
             Today I passed by no fewer than five different and separate spots with newly blooming crocus.  Did I stop to photograph them?  No.  I did not.  When I’m pedaling along I’m usually slightly late.  In both directions.  So, pretend that you can see some here now.  I’ll go walk around tomorrow, and try to find more.

             Speaking of moving around, our Yoga Fridays may be transforming.  The weather here has taken a turn for the lovely, so Ryon and I went outside, ending up with a very hilly work-out.  (Which will be reflected in my daily mileage.)  If you watched the news clip that I linked to the other day (whatever day that was), they showed the gym team pushing a car.  They do it nearly every morning.

             We have two buttes, one downtown, the other to the South East.  The close-in hill is where work-outs (including car-pushing), runs, and now bike rides, all take place.  It was delightful out this afternoon, but I can’t say I’m looking forward to doing this loop once a week.  I’ll keep you posted.

             On our card altar we have a message of some intensity, but is so pretty to look at.

Temperance  ~  14
Temperance ~ 14

             When I see this one, my first thought is always: BALANCE.  It’s that one-foot-in-water-one-on-dry-land aspect which jumps out at me.  The physical (and literal) juggling doesn’t help dissuade me from this immediate impression, either.

            But there’s more to it.  The representing view is vast, it incorporates mountains, prairies, and waterscapes.  It gives the feeling of a glorious sunny day, but with a depth that can only be reached by slowing down and connecting with the fluidity of it all.  Stopping our busy-ness and absorbing the healing moment here in this scene.

             The me-character, or main being in the illustration, is strength and grace personified.  This is also us, it is our inner-self.  We are all that strong and that fine.  We all contain a harmony, a melding of the polarities.  We simply need to acknowledge and recognize this fact.

             Another major point of focus for me tonight is the gold and the wings, a prominent feature that tells us of value.  When a rich and deep hue is present we are comforted and reflected by it.  That’s the feeling I have now, this message talks about our magnificence and our spiritual glow.

             The card number adds down to Five, so you know how I feel about that one.  We are in these bodies, as humans, to learn and grow.  We use our senses and the tools that we have available.  We’re on this planet, in this position, for our Soul’s growth.  That is the journey.  That is the main and most basic lesson.

             When we forget about our own Divinity and individual worth, these reminders appear.  All we have to do is honour them.  And ourselves in the process.  Remembering our Balance is key.

             From HERE, we have this, which sums it up perfectly:

“. . . . . (the word) chemistry is included here because Temperance deals with mixing the right ingredients in our lives in order to flow easily upon the path of our choosing.  It takes a little time to balance the load just right, but once we do we experience some tremendous breakthroughs in our progress.”

Today’s Deck:

Robin Wood Tarot

Today’s Mileage:

is the ride downtown and back, plus some up-hill-ing (I walked down some of it, to save my brake pads, and because it’s more taxing horrible challenging) for a grand total of 11.547 miles at an average (staggeringly slow) pace of 8.1 MPH  for one full hour, 25 minutes, and 10 seconds.

Baking Notes and Clarification:

in reply to recent comments.  Some of you worried that Martha led me astray with her instructions.  Not so.  The pan really was to blame this time.  It’s probably almost 40 years old and was made of that era’s most advanced materials.  Sadly, that means it was not a classic and exquisite antique and not even very good quality.  It was highly porous and potentially even toxic.

             I absolutely DID grease (as recommended) before I poured in the batter, following the recipe and utilizing basic knowledge that I have somehow retained, over lo, these many years.  However, no amount of butter or oil or spray would have saved this cake.  A new pan is on the Wish List.  Until then, we’ll be making other things.

Monthly Bike Total:

for February is 144 miles pedaled.  Compared to January (157), not too bad for a short month (and a short bike rider).