A Remembering.

             Note to self elf: comfort pedals are ideal for summer with no shoes, the opposite of that in a winter rain storm wearing tennies.  Just sayin’ -not a great ride tonight for pool class.  If I was counting anything I’d give you the number of times I nearly crashed my sorry ass because my feet slipped.

             But I’m not.  So I won’t.  Instead, I’ll just reassure everyone that I’m fine.  My “whole” body never left the bike, and I did NOT fall off.  Even though I arrived soaking wet.  Rain gear is totally worth every peso I spend on it.

             Now, back to business.  I find it immensely interesting how different days and dates mean such different things to different people.  For me, January always meant that an incredibly special friend’s birthday was approaching.

             Since she’s gone now (or at least, in a place that I can’t physically access, although I do still hear from her), this first month of a new year carries another meaning.  (Lots of other meanings, but on an emotional level, it’s no longer as joyful.)

             This is kind of what I was shown as our message today.

In memorial.

              It’s about how we remember those who have crossed over before us.  Do we still mourn their loss, or have we gotten to the point of smiling over fond memories?  The entire topic of grief, as you all know, is a particularly challenging one for me.

             The whole thing (images, feelings, message) was uncomfortable.   However, it was also necessary.  And I know that.  But much like yesterday’s, knowing it and being happy with it aren’t the same thing.  At.  All.

             I was directed to this stack for our guidance, but we’re going without the illustration.  (I’ll explain why in a few.)  Let’s just imagine a perfect angel view, looking with our mind’s eye, each of us seeing precisely what we need to see.

“Beloved One  ~

Archangel Chamuel:

‘I am helping you with your spiritual relationships.

Love is in and around you right now.  You don’t need to search for it.  Rather, by holding loving thoughts and conducting loving actions, you attract and manifest love in all aspects of your life.

Call upon me to guide your thoughts and actions……..’ “

             There is a nice, easing relief when we hand over that control to another.  It frees us of having to worry about the situation or solution.  The same can be done with painful emotions.

             We need our memories, but we don’t have to keep the parts that hurt.

Today’s Deck:

Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s Sharing:

is part of yesterday’s.  It’s going to be a slideshow, if I can manage it.  Our dashboards have been changed by WordPress, so this may be tricky.  If there’s pictures in the post, they ALL have to be included.

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              So.  That’s how much my hair grows.  Apparently.  In six months.  Yes,  as I said when I cut it off (the second time), the plan all along has been to let it come back, then I’ll donate it again.  With trims and check-ins twice a year.