The Finding and The Recognizing

             The processes we all go through in our journey are very often encouraged along by the seasons and cycles of planets (ours and all the rest).  As we take on our life lessons, and heal from the past, we fulfill our charts.

             We must never forget that we are a spiritual being, inside of a physical body.  That body has flaws, it falls down, it sometimes learns slowly instead of quickly.

             In regards to our (not always efficient) forward momentum, here is what the universe would like us to look at today:

discovering recovery.

             Our path can be a challenging one, and yet we know that’s part of being here.  When the road is smooth and the going is easy, we need to acknowledge that; show our gratitude for the gifts and blessings.

             Because, when we’re in a more difficult time and place, those good memories can sustain us.  The more we pay attention to the positives, the more positives we’ll have to pay attention to.

             And that’s a discovery we can make every day.  To recover from our challenges and the rough patches we encounter along the way, we don’t need to do anything more than accept our current position, and honour the learning of it.

             To find that truth, one which we maybe weren’t previously aware of, is to know our own genuine nature.  It is to be honest with ourselves.  Observe both/all sides, and let them go.

             On our card altar right now, this message (reminiscent of what we heard yesterday) continues with another, validating, reminder.

dreams coming true

“Stay Optimistic  ~

‘Your dreams are coming true.

Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs.’

This is it – your time has come!  You are about to collect your rewards, and your prayers will be answered.

However, a bit more patience and guided action on your part is required.  The extra wait and effort are definitely worth it.  You’re just about there, and this card asks you to keep your faith about miracles and magic.

Use your imagination to visualize that your dreams have already come true.  Your heart will swell with gratitude and joy, and these emotions will speed up your desired manifestations.

Before long, you’ll be enjoying the tangible results.”

Today’s Deck:

Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s Personal Observation:

can best be summed up with these 140 characters from my earlier Tweet.

Remember the time your thoughtful sister-in-law filled a cooler full of ice water for your hot swollen feet?Yeah,it’s that kinda hot today.

             The heat doesn’t usually last very long here.  If it did, we’d move.


We didn’t get a mes…. wait. Yes, we did.

             Sometimes we take credit for assets which really have nothing to do with us.  Like, there are gifts we’re all born with.  We just have them.  And yet, we kind of act like we CREATED them.

             Every so often, we even take these blessings for granted.  (I’m trying very hard not to do this.)  My point, and you know that I do have one, is about what type of message we received here today.

             In order for me to be given a channeled message, I have to be asleep.  I have to be resting.  Sleeping is something that, traditionally, I do phenomenally well.  By no talent of my own.  I was born this way.

            Last night, not restful.  Not enough sleeping.  Much restlessness.  Difficult to breathe, even.  This equals, nothing from the Universe.    Or, does it?

             Every day, we ALL receive a message.  In our own way, we’re being told something.  I was being reminded to express my gratitude for how well I usually sleep.  Each time I think we didn’t get a message, we actually still did.

            This morning?  It was all about the gratitude.  And the NEVER taking for granted those wonderful natural gifts.

             Continuing within the regular rotation, on our card altar, we have a beautiful stone to help us with any fall-out from what the planets are currently up to, as well as to remind us how truly essential it is that we keep it simple.  As simple as being thankful.

crystals, turquoise, oracle cards

“Turquoise  ~

speaking one’s truth, clear communication, purification

Don’t be afraid to speak your truth.  A situation that is causing you concern can easily be resolved by simply expressing how you truly feel.

You will not hurt or upset anyone by speaking your truth.  In fact, speaking your truth has the opposite effect to what you think.  By communicating your feelings and preferences clearly and honestly, all concerned will be relieved.

At present, others are rather confused because they sense that all is not the way you are purporting it to be.

This magical Turquoise crystal will help you ease any fear you have regarding clear and true communication with either yourself or others.”

Today’s Deck:

Crystal Oracle Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno

Today’s Sharing:

is this view, at the end of our driveway, on Sunday.

A present, in the form of a gorgeous black feather.
A present, in the form of a gorgeous black feather.

             I wait until the very last second to put my shoes on, if shoes are, indeed, required.  In this case, we were out the door and I still had them in my hand.  So, when I spotted this gift, I just set them down.  For perspective (and so I could maneuver the phone).  Also, everything matched nicely.  Bonus!

Us as Knowledgeable

             The irony of today’s message, after what we received yesterday, did not escape me.  It does, however, compliment that reminder more than it might seem at first.

Self Aware

             This is pretty specifically focused on our “inner” self, but of course, since we’re wearing physical bodies, it also has to deal, somewhat, with our “outer” selves, too.

            For example, are we doing all that we can to keep our physical-ness comfortable?  And, are we nourishing the soul as well as the body?

              Mind-Body-Spirit health is not always practiced when we get stressed or overly busy.  Sadly, that’s precisely the time we need it the most.  Focusing on our WHOLE self is the key here.

             Additionally, we need to stay alert to our emotions.  Are we living in an open and honest way?  Mindfully?  In lovingkindness?  Because if we aren’t, then we’re just spinnin’ our wheels.

             On our card altar, I was directed to leave the regular rotation, so that this messenger could show up and tell us where to go for help, should we need it.

oracle cards, psychic healing, angels

“Angel of Psychic Ability  ~

Your intuitive and psychic abilities are strong and present.

Your intuitive and psychic abilities are very strong and present right now and give you the ability to see through things.  You are being urged to pay attention to what you sense and feel, rather than what you are told or shown.

Trust your instincts when you are around particular people or situations.   You will instinctively know what is right for you.  Regardless of statistics or how professionally it is presented, if something doesn’t feel right for you, then it’s not.”

             I love this one.  I just don’t care for the illustration.  Since we were kind of in a rush earlier, I didn’t bother to cover it up.

             The image though, does not detract from what is being said.  When we feel something strongly, it’s nearly always a sign, message, or guidance from (someone on) our Team.

             My only (other!) complaint* would just be to point out that our abilities are ALWAYS present.  We just might be noticing them more right now, or possibly we’re just being sent some specific information as a warning or signal.

*And it’s not really a “complaint” so much as a professional disagreement I have with Toni.

Today’s Deck:

Angels, Gods, and Goddesses by Toni Carmine Salerno

FLP Report:

has been slim to none, so when Dan spotted a Colorado in front of us after pool class I decided to make note of it.  Even though we usually see so many of them that they’re relegated to the “no longer mention” pile with California, Washington, Nevada, Utah, and oddly enough, Texas.

Warm and Truthful.

             In the history of writing down history, today was the hottest June 30th on record.  Right now, at going on 9 p.m.?  It’s definitely still on the warm side.  Earlier though, I was pretty comfortably cool.

             We went to see this (ironically named) movie.  And it was awesome.  Everything I’d hoped it would be.  (And I’ve been hoping for weeks now.  Weeks!)  Yeah, you should go if you get a chance.  (Just make sure you understand that it is rated R, and for good reason.)

             The only bit that confused us was the ladies on my right.  They left part-way through.  LEFT!  I am still puzzled by their behaviour.   The only reason I could come up with was that they had a family emergency.   Because, seriously?  I would have stayed in my seat if the fucking building had been on fire!

             (Dan’s theory was more realistic, maybe.   He figured that they didn’t understand what an R rated film might look and sound like.  He’s probably right.  But still!)

             Back to blog business, let’s talk spiritually now.  Even before I got up today our message arrived.  And it was a great one, totally started my day off with a tremendously positive feeling (and then the treat of an air-conditioned theatre with a fabulous film kept it going).


gifts, presents, and bonuses

on their way!

             As I was directed to leave our regular rotation, on the card altar, I felt as though this one would be an added, additional, sentiment.  And it was.

angel cards, self-expression

“Angel of Expression  ~

Speak your truth and express yourself clearly.

There is something you are not expressing  because you fear hurting someone you love or care for.

The Angel of Expression has shown up in your reading today to encourage you to speak your truth and express yourself clearly.  Know that the truth, when spoken honestly, clearly, and with love, will never truly hurt anyone.  Lack of self-expression is soul-destroying for all concerned and prevents life’s natural flow.

The Angel of Expression understands your fears regarding this issue and is here to help you through this difficult time.  Allow her to help you find the courage to face this issue clearly.  By expressing yourself honestly and clearly, this situation will heal in accordance with the highest good of all concerned.  Yet do not try to predetermine or control the outcome.

Trust – for the power that made you both, will heal you both.”

             And yes, we went with the cover-up (an illustration I thought might symbolically bring refreshment to parched spots this evening, as well as signify how we must sometimes reach for our Truth).  The written message is one that I stand by though, completely.

Today’s Deck:

Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno

Today’s Sharing:

is the same as yesterday’s.  I’m still singing along with P!nk.

Oh, Honestly!

            I’m going to mix things up a bit today (I know, me, the person who still has not accepted 2011, among a few other “new” things).  But my reasons are sound (or as sound as any of my reasoning ever is).  We landed on Sylvia’s tiny deck of inspiration today in our tour around the card altar, and it got me to thinking about this as a topic.

“Eliminating Deceit  ~

Lies corrupt the soul.  When you lie, you not only deceive someone else, you fool yourself as well.  Spirituality is found in truth.”

              This is not a Tarot deck, nor is it like any others we are going through.  It’s just little tidbits from her knowledge base.  And that is an enormous font of wisdom, let me tell you.  If you are not familiar with her, she‘s quite fascinating.  Somewhere near 70 or so, and has been a practicing psychic for freaking ever.  I’ve read all of her books and seen her work in person twice.

            She, along with a few others, are people that spark a ton of controversy.  As we all know, JulieLand is a Hate Free Zone, so if these are not folks you read, or follow, that’s perfectly fine.  But they do have some fascinating insights to share.  I just finished reading John Edward‘s latest book, and as I mentioned, Colette and Doreen are two others in this field that I believe have worthwhile things to say.

             Our message today is a good one.  Honesty, the kind where you really look at what’s going on with you and your loved ones, is more complicated than it seems at first.  To be completely true in our growth we must be honest, and as that illustration shows, sweep out the deceit.  Especially getting into those pervasive little dark corners.

             We need to examine what we are still stumbling over.  The small crap that pops up no matter how much soul-searching we try to do.  Bring these pesky wee irritants out and seriously look at what we have perhaps not been wanting to face.  Are we being honest with our selves on all levels?  It’s so difficult to know.  Some of our recent messages have reminded us that prayer, meditation, magick, and some quiet contemplation are great way to find our answers.

           I was supposed to go to a miniature club meeting tonight.  But my car is having issues.  When I remembered what card I had flipped over earlier (as I drove home from the pool, just KNOWING I wasn’t going to be able to make that meeting) I thought about being honest in my life, and being honest on a more general level.  I adore the Wee Walnut, I really do.  But if I won the lottery tomorrow?  I’d buy a new damn vehicle.  One that has functioning parts, and isn’t moldy damp inside, and maybe even gets good gas mileage, or can be driven on the freeway.

            Of course, I could never SELL my car, but I might set it aside (for repair and a remake).  Honestly, the problems we have in our lives can be broken down and spread out in front of us for a good looking-over.  Are there things we can make better, like on my car, with simply a new fan or coat of paint?  Or are the issues that be-devil us deeper and need some major over-hauling?  It’s so tough to know.  Asking others is a good way to get insight.  But mostly, I think, and the authors I’ve been reading believe, that we DO have our answers, we just have to listen for them.  Quietly, and with a peaceful mind. 

               Fear is our worst enemy, so let’s drop that right off the menu.  I worry that my damn car is dangerous so much of the time, but I love driving it.  I just hate having to squeegee the INSIDE of the windshield.