Peace and Knowledge

             This current global tumultuousness can erode us like the waves do on a shoreline.  Wearing us down, abrading us away.  It all feels overwhelming and exhausting at times.  Makes me tired just thinking about how much there is still to do.

             But, here’s where we don’t let the bastards get us down.  Here’s where the Universe steps in, and in Its ultimate wisdom, gifts us with a reminder.

No Need To Join The Battle

            When we use words like “war” we then process, mentally and spiritually and emotionally, with that idea.  With the thought that we are either winning or losing the conflict.  When in reality, it’s NOT a battle at all.  We are not a conquering hoard, we are not out to slay our enemies.

             Teach them?  Yes.   Help them to understand the concepts of unity and compassion?  Definitely.  Improve our lives, and those of everyone else’s?  No question about it.

             Our weariness is misdirected.  Rather, when we view the work yet to be done as a lesson yet to be learned, we have changed our attitude, and removed the battle scenario; changing wars into teachable moments.

             Continuing this theme on in through Equinox week, I was directed to draw from an old friend.  And, of course, this deck brings us our validation.  Focusing on our own Personal Power, remembering it, will help us to move forward, see from every angle,  share knowledge, never needing to engage in battles (imaginary or otherwise).

animal dreaming

“Horse  ~  20  ~  Personal Power

When first introduced, Horse strengthened and deepened the people’s view of the world.  It afforded them greater understanding of the land because it allowed them to explore the horizon on a level never known before.

With obvious links to movement and travel, Horse sanctioned the exploration and conquering of the physical setting, the breaking of boundaries and the expansion of territory.

In similar fashion, Horse Dreaming embraces the essence of Personal Power and what it means to spiritually journey within in search of inherent wisdom.

Personal Power represents the wealth of knowledge we may accumulate over a lifetime of experience which, when honoured, shifts us from the mundane and familiar, into a world of unlimited potential.

According to tradition, a Horse stands symbolically at each of the four cardinal points on the great Wheel of Life, with the yellow Palomino protecting the East, the red Chestnut standing in the North, the black horse guarding the West, and the White or Dapple Grey representing the energies of the South.

Each of the four directions offers a sacred gift of Power and a wealth of corresponding energetic wisdom.

It is up to us to go out and spiritually seek this knowledge and, once found, integrate it into our life.  Metaphorically journeying to the East, for example, brings with it the gifts of illumination and introspection, while heading to the North inspires a healthy blend of innocence and passion.

In the West we learn to understand the art of introspection and meditation, and in the South we are offered maturity and judgment.

If Horse has galloped into your cards today, you are being primed for a journey of great power.

We all subconsciously know where our Personal Power lies, and as long as we instigate the search, we will ultimately find it – resulting in great rewards on all levels.

Remember: all journeys start with a simple step forward, with any forward movement nurturing growth, and growth leading to development and enrichment.

Promoting a sense of complete freedom, the appearance of Horse suggests travel of all kinds, both inner and outward; emotional, physical, and spiritual.”

             Additionally, when first directed here, I felt how deep and dynamic this entire message was.  If we feel tired, Horse is there to lend strength, to help us rise above, and to remind us never to forget how very powerful we truly are.

Today’s Deck:

Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards by Scott Alexander King

Today’s Sharing:

is this bonus messenger.

tree owl

             Not sure where the paper came from, but it drifted to the floor as I was getting situated here at my desk.

             While I’ve not been enjoying the signs of Spring, I do know that once we are through the miserable heat of Summer, cool weather will return.

             It feels as though this tiny Owl has dropped in to help me recall the dying of overly bright days and too short nights.  The reminder here is that our seasons move smoothly, from one in the next.

             Living with intention means we can be in all of them (even if we don’t love this particular one).  Knowing that none of them last.  But every one will return, again and again.




Got Your Back

             I know that some recent daily definitions have mentioned how we are maybe standing on the outside looking in, but today, what I heard was that we need to never forget the truth of how we’re not left alone, either.  Solitary though we may be, we are not alone alone.

             Remember, we have our Team (those we’ve chosen to incarnate with, as well as the loved ones at Home), in addition to who we call family.  Whether they be of direct biological relation or not, we are never more than a message or request away from someone who cares for us.

             The reality is, we are never without:


             We receive this support on more levels than we can even imagine.  Or are aware of.   But, it’s there.  It is always and consistently there.

             And we are given reminders of it, repeatedly.  The trick is to notice them, and then, be grateful.

             Some of my own support no longer comes from this physical plane.  On our card altar right now, I am acknowledging that by drawing from the Special Occasion stack.  My best friend would have turned 51 today.

             She would have appreciated this particular selection, in a huge and powerful way.  (Which, of course, makes me think that she had something to do with its appearance.)

trickster messages

“Dingo  ~  25  ~  Trickster

Portrayed as overconfident in many a tale, the simple Dingo artlessly assumes that the world will support his needs, that he will be welcomed and nurtured and that his charm and adaptability will carry him through.

A naturally friendly but socially inexperienced character, Dingo often bites off more than he can chew, then sits licking his wounds in a confused state when his actions inevitably backfire on him.

Although Dingo ostensibly approaches life unaware of the penalties and pitfalls that usually appear painfully obvious to the more mature and street-wise among us, he teaches by example to learn from our mistakes and to never take life too seriously.  He espouses that as long as we are able to laugh at ourselves and learn when we trip ourselves up, we will never again fall victim to our own illusory tricks.”

Today’s Deck:

Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards by Scott Alexander King

Today’s Painful Lesson Learned:

is about how all of the clothing (and my favorite bike-riding slippers) which went with me into that mountain of slivers last week had to be disposed of.  They went out with the trash tonight.

             No, they were not savable.  I tried.  Dan tried.  (For fucking days we tried.)  Believe me, if I could have kept them, I certainly would have!  Instead, my hatred of bark-mulch has grown exponentially (which is saying a lot, because it was not small before this unfortunate incident).

             Anybody have a spare tank top, sweatshirt, and pair of black yoga pants I can borrow?  Size: tubby-and-short.


Revealing Autonomy

             Following along with yesterday’s theme, this morning I woke up to abundant scenes of a similar attitude.  The feel was very freeing and open.

             As we now know, the less we resist, the less resistance there is.  So today’s message is pretty sensible.


             Are we able to enter 2015 with our true selves showing?  Because that’s what the Universe is recommending.  That we wear nothing false, nothing negative.

             It’s not as scary as it sounds, though.  Once we get the hang of just being genuine, it becomes the most direct route to healing.  Making our lessons that much easier to learn.

             To mark the calendar transition, and to get us going on this liberating and truthful path, I was directed to our Special Occasion cards.  Numerically, today (as I write this) is the start of a new cycle:

January + First + 2015 = 10, or One.  This draw adds down to a 2.  The sequence is significant.  As is the definition.

abundance messages

“Grey Kangaroo  ~  29  ~  Abundance

When questioned about what wealth means to you, would you say that having copious amounts of money would definitely seal the deal?  If so, it would be a good answer – but the wrong one.

To focus exclusively on the acquisition of money only amplifies how little you have.  When you concentrate on your desire to attain money, you are effectively nurturing ‘poverty mentality,’ a state of mind supported by society and inherited ways of thinking.  It feeds poverty mentality because it prevents you from seeing the wealth that surrounds you everyday; the wealth that comes with family and friends.

To know true love is to hold supreme wealth.  When you know that wealth rarely takes the form of money or gold, you release the monetary mindset so fear of lack can be transmuted into trust.  In doing so, the block obstructing your stream of abundance may be removed forever and greater cash flow will result.  Letting go of lack will essentially result in gain.

Grey Kangaroo once offered its rich meat, warm pelt, and strong bones, which were useful as cutting and digging implements.  Prosperity meant healthy children, a full stomach, and a warm, dry sleeping place to the people.  They believed the land would provide all they needed and, if they lived in harmony with the Earth Mother, their life would be safe and plentiful as a result.  So long as the Grey Kangaroo was there, the people knew that they would never know hunger or suffering.  Its mere existence promised true abundance.

If Grey Kangaroo has vaulted into your cards today, your life will soon be rich with productive emotion, thought, and knowledge.  These fundamentals will abundantly serve the personal needs of both you and your family.  What you require is currently manifesting and your needs are soon to be met.

Grey Kangaroo reminds us to always separate what we want from what we need, before commencing the hunt for either.  To seek what we materialistically want above what we realistically need, will result in continued stagnation.

Grey Kangaroo’s appearance acts as a reminder that as children of the Earth, it is our birthright to have all our requirements fulfilled – so long as our requests are offered in a sacred way.”

Today’s Deck:

Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards by Scott Alexander King

Today’s Sharing:

 is a direct link to Sarah’s latest offerings.


Gratitude and Beyond

            In my reading and research recently, I came across a phrase that really felt special,  I hadn’t ever thought of my situation on those terms, so it was inspiring.

             This morning that all returned, in the form of our message.  As we set our intentions, at the start of every day (we’re all doing that, right?), let’s remember to go after our dreams . . . .

or something better.

             Because, even as we visualize “the next best” step or action to take on our path, we can leave the future open to new, and as yet unimagined, possibilities.

             Stepping away from our regular rotation around the card altar on this day of thanks, we are presented with this complementary principle, reminding us of other angles and views.

mouse scrutiny

“Mouse  ~  2  ~  Scrutiny

There is a fable that tells of a Mouse who once freed a Lion securely fastened by rope bindings.  The Lion had initially scoffed at the Mouse’s timid offer of assistance, suggesting that if a mighty and brave Lion could not break the ropes then what chance did a Mouse have of doing better?  The Mouse insisted and, little by little, chewed through the knots to eventually set the Lion free.

The Mouse reminds us that if we look at life from varying vantage points, remain vigilant, and take one step at a time, checking our progress regularly, we will never be hindered by trouble.

The Mouse is small and wily enough to go through life without being detected.  Although he lives a life of cunning and deceit, his wisdom is offered today in the form of awareness.  

He teaches us to be ever alert to the tell tale signs that things are not as they should be.  Mouse is mindful of never ignoring the small, seemingly insignificant details that threaten to haunt him later.  He is aware that he may some day feel the searing pain of Owl’s talons in his back should he become complacent and let his guard down.

Mouse uses his keen sense of smell to constantly test the air for danger.  He allows his whiskers to touch everything in his path as a way of checking that all is as it should be.

If Mouse has appeared in your cards you are being encouraged to touch everything with your symbolic whiskers, particularly when signing agreements or contracts, or when considering new projects, proposals, or ventures involving other parties.  

Mouse reminds us to remain vigilant to the smaller aspects first and to check for pitfalls or hidden opportunities before rushing into anything.

Mouse promises that scrutiny will ensure we never overlook the obvious.  He demonstrates that even those who have very little influence in the way of the world can reach places of prominence if they hold great expectations.

Mouse reveals quite effectively that sometimes strength of mind prevails over strength of body.  Answers to difficult situations often lie in how the problems are perceived.”

Today’s Deck:

Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards by Scott Alexander King

Power Statement Of The Day:

Every thought I think is creating my new and prosperous future.


Seasonal Shifts

             As much as I’d like to embrace being a Luddite, and shun all technology, truthfully, there are parts and pieces that I actually enjoy.  Like this.  Just being here.  And, ya know, having any sort of music, just there, whenever I need some.

             Today’s message addresses our love/hate relationship with change.  How necessary, and yet, how challenging.  How we WANT to throw a fit and scream, “no, nothing new!”

             Spiritually speaking though, we really do need it.  And, it really is good for us.  The merest lean towards acceptance is so SO very healing.

             Here’s what I was made aware of this morning, what we are being asked to look at, and absorb:


             We’re timely, too.  It’s the first day of Fall, so all of Summer is technically gone now.  This is the moment when we have to face the death/rebirth cycle.  Again.

             On our card altar, this being a Special Day, we have a Special messenger.  How difficult was it for the Ancestors to adapt, originally, to this gift?  And yet, now, we can’t imagine our lives without.


“Horse  ~  20  ~  Personal Power

When first introduced, Horse strengthened and deepened the people’s view of the world.  It afforded them greater understanding of the land because it allowed them to explore the horizon on a level never known before.  With obvious links to movement and travel, Horse sanctioned the exploration and conquering of the physical setting, the breaking of boundaries and the expansion of tterritory

In similar fashion, Horse Dreaming embraces the essence of Personal Power and what it means to spiritually journey within in search of inherent wisdom.

Personal Power represents the wealth of knowledge we may accumulate over a lifetime of experience which, when honoured, shifts from the mundane and familiar into a world of unlimited potential.

According to tradition, a Horse stands symbolically at each of the four cardinal points on the great Wheel of Life . . . . Each of the four directions offers a sacred gift of Power and a wealth of corresponding energetic wisdom.

 It is up to us to go out and spiritually seek this knowledge and, once found, integrate it into our life . . . . 

If Horse has galloped into your cards today, you are being primed for a journey of great Power.

We all subconsciously know where our Personal Power lies, and as long as we instigate the search, we will ultimately find it – resulting in great rewards on all levels.

Remember: all journeys start with a simple step forward, with any forward movement nurturing growth, and growth leading to development, and enrichment.

Promoting a sense of complete freedom, the appearance of Horse suggests travel of all kinds, both inner and outward; emotional, physical, and spiritual.”

Today’s Deck:

for this Special Occasion is the Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards by Scott Alexander King

              Happy Autumnal Equinox, to us all.