
             Have any of you ever seen the bumper sticker Everything IS in Divine Order?  Well, that’s kind of what our current message is focusing on.

             Us, being where and who we are because of when it is.

It’s About Time

             I’ve not always had the best relationship with Time, we rarely agree or get along.  But I do understand the concept of Perfect Timing, and how there’s a time and place for everything.

             I mean, I get it, conceptually and logically, I just struggle with it emotionally.  Impatience is one of our most difficult lessons.  We want it now and we can’t figure out why that’s not happening!  (Might just be me on this one.)

             But it takes as long as it takes.  There’s no getting around this, it’s simply a fact.  We can accept that and Be with it, or we can drape ourselves in unhappy anxiety.  It’s all a choice.

             As I stood in the altar room, with my Time notes in my hand, all I kept hearing was “the animals, the animals, the animals,” so I reached out in the direction I was being guided to.  Yep, this was the right draw.


“Ant  ~  32  ~  Patience 

. . .it is time to show a little trust and patience.   You may have forgotten that you will always receive that which you need, at the time you need it the most.

If it is not on the horizon or just around the next anthill, you may need to use some strategy.  How can you put to use your power of creating until ‘it’ arrives – whatever ‘it’ means to you at this time?

Ant is working for the good of the whole.  Are you?  If you are, be assured that the whole wants the same goodness for you, and that it will be provided.”

Today’s Deck:

Animal Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson, illustrated by Angela C Werneke

Today’s Sharing:

is to express my enormous gratitude to the folks who have brought me local Spanish radio.  The joy I get from listening to this station is more than I could ever say or type or even sing.  Seriously, it never fails to make me smile.

             (No, sadly, I am not bi-lingual.  I am a non-Spanish speaking Mexican.  And apparently, there’s lots of us.)


Portents of Joy.

           By the time this is posted we will have begun the last Mercury retrograde cycle of 2011.  We didn’t talk much about it this time, unlike in years/phases past.  Partly that’s because I am time-challenged and didn’t realize it was coming up so quickly, then I got distracted (bird!) and forgot to come back to it.  But also due to the fact that I refuse to freak out over shit like this any more.

          There is no changing this planet’s patterns so we may as well learn instead of panic.  My reframing and brain work has taught me that the falling apart doesn’t really help (even though it might still be necessary for a brief processing moment), but learing new ways to cope and view our challenges really DOES help.  Mercury, go right ahead, be as backwards as you like, we JulieLanders just aren’t going to worry about it.  We’ve got our preparations started, anything else can just wait until December gets here.

            Also by the time this post goes up, I’ll be on my way to the bus station.  Our Hurricane arrives tonight for her holiday visit.  Sadly, it will be sans canines, but we’ll all make do the best we can.  (I have the best, and super simplest, late night snack planned for her and Empress tonight!  Healthy food, good choices!)

            Let’s get to our card so I can show you the fun things Dan and I saw on our rainy wander this afternoon.

“Ant  ~  Patience.

Ant is a builder like Beaver, is aggressive like Badger,  has stamina like Elk, scrutiny like Mouse, and give-away like Turkey.

… if Ant meandered into your life today, it is time to show a little trust and patience in some life situation.  You may have forgotten that you will always receive that which you need, at the time you need it most.  If it is not on the horizon or just around the next anthill, you may need to use some strategy.  How can you put to use your power of creation until ‘it’ arrives – whatever ‘it’ means to you at this time?

Ant is working for the good of the whole.  Are you?  If you are, be assured that the whole wants the same goodness for you, and that it will be provided.”

             When I was looking at the guidebook I couldn’t figure out how it was that we’d JUST had a Mouse message, and yet we were alternating this deck with the other animal oracle… then I remembered that we’d used that Special Occasion one on Sunday.   Funny when this happens, it’s like a bright light in my head, a huge gold star of validation, the minute it dawns on me.

            Our reminder is to keep scrutinizing what’s in front of us as we take this action.  Because, since we’ve been patient, and we will continue to be watchfully alert for what will be best for all concerned, we know the end result is going to work out even better than we’d first imagined.  I love it when we hear things like that.

           (Also, the number of 32 is actually another validation: Five.)

            Speaking of positive omens, look at this guy in the above picture.  Is this not the cutest thing you’ve seen in ages?!  As I said, Daniel and I went out today for an early (ish) neighborhood trudge.  We had a bit of a false start (my hooves are too swollen right now for my new polka dot boots) but we went back, then got going again within a short enough time frame (switched footwear and we were good for a solid two hours).  When we came around the corner by the canal we were greeted by that gorgeous messenger.

            We got to see how nicely these folks have nearly completed their project.  He said it looked very golf course-like.  I was just happy for them that they had come this far.  Right across from here is a home we had never noticed before, but we are absolutely going to keep an eye on it now – they’ve got a huge honeysuckle-covered walkway and arbor arch.  Oh yeah, I’ll SO be going back by there!

            When I went past one portion of my Route the other day I saw this wee item on the ground, but there were people all over the damn place so I just kept marching.  Today, it was still there, with not another person in sight, so you get to see it too.  A tiny hat you think?

             You can just barely see the toe of my alternative boot selection here next to this note.  Did I mention how much it was raining?!  I can’t remember where I saw this recently (could have been on that walking website even) but it was an old adage about there never being bad weather, simply inappropriate clothing.  That was our theory du jour.

            We continually assessed our garments, and how well they were doing.  Here is my Beloved, answering my phone (my pockets turn in to puddles), while I try to capture the VERY wet aspect of what we were out in.  Also, those trees behind him were the ones I photographed before when showing you the athletic field/deer grazing pasture.

             Sure we got a bit damp (he thinks we may need to purchase me a new coat), but for the most part our outing was quite successful.