To Acclimate and To Harmonize

             The older we get, the more we see, and (hopefully), the more we learn.  The older we get, the more we are able to experience, and (hopefully), the more we grow.

             Our days end, evenings begin.  A row of work shifts come to a close, our weekends arrive.  Seasons slide, one into another.  And years fly by, each December bringing that calendar to an end.

             If we are fortunate enough to rack up many decades, we are given the gift of perspective.  And a past to reflect upon.

             Not all memories, nor actions, will be good ones.  Just as not all lived moments are joyful.  But that’s what creates the rich and complex fabric of our time here.  It’s a Variety Pack, it’s not a crate of all the same flavors.

             Because while we have favorites, staying the same is simply impossible.  What the Universe wants us to focus on right now is our


             One of the ways we survive these adventures is to change, to revise, to modify.  Being unmoving equates to stagnation.  It’s harmful, not good for us.

             Personally, I struggle with the entire topic.  I’ve not been great at this readjustment shit.  I see the reasoning, I see the truth of it.  I’m just not entirely terrific at the doing of it.  Yet.

             I know I’m getting better, though.  I know I’m making progress.  Which, in truth, is all we can really do.  It’s our job to improve, gather tools, carry them along on our journey, trying to keep up .  All while the ground under our feet is shifting, the sky over our heads is storming, and the body we are wearing rots.

             The best we can do is live fully with each and every breath, be kind with each and every accomplishment, gain wisdom with each and every lesson.  Going forward in this life is about moving through the tasks, even if we don’t always understand them.

             Like evolution on a secluded island, we adapt to what is around us.  As we gain understanding, we make better what we can, we help those who need us, and we care for our loved ones.





Gracious and Kind.

             It’s a well known fact that I believe in the universal “perfecting timing/it happens when it’s supposed to happen” concept, right?  Which means that my channeled messages, the shit I wake up with every day now, needed to show up right when it showed up.

             Just like the blog progression, and how I began the daily draw feature here.  Evolution, in its most raw state.  Go with the flow, and see where it takes us.  Not an idea I used to be all that comfortable with.  (Still not, quite.  Entirely.)

             This was on my mind today as the Deputy and I walked with Grand Dog, meandering around the neighborhood.  (Details and map link below.)  One of my personal goals is to figure out how I’m feeling.  It’s more difficult than it sounds.

             What I heard and saw, right before getting out of bed, was an absolute gift, in that regard.  So tremendously beneficial.


not necessarily sacrifice,

but more like adjustments.

             And then, ta da!  On our card altar the angels handed us another one.  To match.

angels and saints messages“Forgiveness  ~  St Mary Magdalene

The answer to your question involves letting go of resentment, judgement, and anger.  You already know who or what to forgive.  It’s the first person or situation that comes to mind.  You don’t necessarily have to pardon the actions involved, but this card is a message for you to release the toxins of anger toward that person, agency, or situation.  Unforgiveness only hurts you, not the person with whom you are angry.

You’re preparing for a wonderful new chapter of your life, and forgiveness is part of your preparation.  It’s a refreshing and deeply healing shower of love that cleanses you inside and out.  That gives you energy, stamina, and high self-esteem, and it frees you to be yourself.

Call upon St Mary Magdalene to help you to forgive or be forgiven so that you can move on with your life and your dreams.”

             The part where this action is healing and cleansing really hit me, in a profound way; I consciously felt that Compassion and Forgiveness, as it misted across my skin.

             I will spend some Quiet Time with this card later, and these messages.  It seems like a very empowering and important usage of any number of minutes that we can afford to give ourselves.

Today’s Deck:

Saints & Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s Mileage:

was a wander.  HERE is Dan’s map.  We cut the outing short because Maxx and I were hot (and we didn’t get as early of a start as I had hoped we would).

Today’s Sharing:

doesn’t come with a picture   But I spotted two feathers as we neared home.  We were discussing much of what you’ve just read.  Seeing them both there, right in our path, was entirely validating, touching me in a really special way.

Last Night’s Kitchen Adventure:

turned out to be biscuits.  Because.  Cheese was in the house.  And I had no crackers.  (I’ve tried to make them, but am, so far, not at ALL successful.)

home-made biscuits
This recipe is so nicely consistent.

             Turning the oven on might not be my best choice, but after midnight the house gets plenty cool, so it’s not too bad.  Also?  Fucking home-made biscuits, people!  Totally worth it.