Humankind Kindness

             I’m sensing a new theme.  Or, at least, another pattern.  This morning I was shown several scenes.  Some relating to this message, and some not.  (It’s like that every once in a while.)

             The first reminder was about our list from yesterday.  And how we are being encouraged to think deeply over our choices, and why we’d like to chat with those particular ten individuals.

Connect – Reconnect

             Fresh new relationships, and old comfortably established relationships, offer different things at different times.   When we reach out, to either old or new friends, we are keeping those connections strong.  Both for them, and for us.

             We are nourished, on a soul level, when we interact with like minds and hearts.  It’s part of our journey, to learn and heal.  When we share those moments and events, it recharges us.

             Another aspect of this, is understanding how to allow, instead of control.  If some folks aren’t available when we need them, well.  Perhaps we are supposed to get in touch with someone else, someone farther afield, maybe. Or, closer to home.

             The main point is, we are more ourselves when we gather with loved ones (we should be, anyway).  And when we share our journey, we are enriched by having them at our side.

             Returning to our regular rotation around the card altar right now, we’ve been handed a brilliant validation.  Step out, the Universe says, make new friends, reconnect with old ones.

embrace life

“Taking Action  ~

‘I enthusiastically embrace life’s boundless possibilities.’

Card meaning:

Don’t hesitate!  Whatever you have been putting off, now is the time to act.  Stand tall, raise your fist to the sky, and leap into action.  Break out the champagne, for victory is in reach.

The Universe wants you to know:

Action creates momentum.  Whatever you have been wishing and waiting for, this is the right time to move forward without looking back.

Quicken your spirit by taking action now.  Even if you have to face your fears in order to do so, look them in the eye with a calm and clear gaze and forge ahead.

The action you take now will reap immense rewards in the future.

Questions to ask yourself:

In what area of my life should I take action now?  What blocks me from acting, and how can I overcome this?  What is the most direct action that will yield the greatest results?


I enthusiastically embrace life’s boundless possibilities.”

Today’s Deck:

Gateway Oracle Cards by Denise Linn

Today’s Sharing:

is this undeniably adorable phone photo I received earlier from my Seattle girl and her faithful companion.

girl and dog
Indi and Hanny
at home.

             They’re coming to visit in a few weeks, and I’m beyond excited to see them both!


Speaking Up, Speaking Out

             There are large portions of this country where dishonesty is encouraged.  Not only is it entirely confusing (and infuriating to law enforcement), but it’s also just plain wrong.

            Allowing an entire culture to smother their voice is beyond sad.  There is no growth in that.  No evolution, no power at all.

             The message I woke up with today is direct and pointed.  Aiming dead-on, in to the face of that deceptive and hurtful mind-set.

Say it,

ask it.

            When we speak the truth and ask the honest questions, we open up a dialogue.  We free our voices and our minds and our souls.  To do otherwise is to stifle our progress and to dangerously stop our journey in its tracks.

             Call it in.  Report it.  Inquire why.  Never let the dishonestly gain any ground at all.  Do not accept a lie.

            On our card altar right now, we have another aspect to consider.  But with no less integrity or truth.


“Balance  ~  36  ~  Divine Teachers

Support, Codependency, Manipulation, Generosity

You are in the delicate process of learning how to properly balance the flow of give-and-take in your personal relationships, and it’s time to evaluate how you’re doing.

Are you giving too much, leaving you resentful and angry?  Or are you withholding when you could give more, leaving you feeling guilty?

 Your Divine Teachers can help you learn how to better align your relationships so that you neither give nor take too much as a means of controlling others.  They counsel you to be honest about your motivations when dealing with others; you know in your heart of hearts what drives your interest in them.

Do you give with a secret agenda of ‘you owe me?’  Do you create dependency in and control over others with your kindness?  Or do you withhold for fear that you might be taken advantage of, keeping people guessing about your motives and your intentions?  

Your Divine Teachers are on hand to help you answer these questions.  They lovingly assure you that relationships are the most difficult of all spiritual classrooms, and the lessons of proper give-and-take are the most difficult of skills to learn.

Have compassion for yourself as you seek balance with others.   Ask your Divine Teachers to help you become more aware of how you give and receive in all relationships, not just the romantic kind.  Their message to you:

There’s no difference between giving and receiving love.”

Today’s Deck:

Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards by Sonia Choquette

Today’s Personal Update:

is to report that I’ll be having a grand-dog sleep-over next week.  Hanna & Co are on their way here.  She and Keith will be taking a pet-free vacation.  Prepare yourselves for photos like THIS (only not quite as technically proficient but much more current).

Accomplishments and Practicality.

             It was one of those what-direction-are-you-going-? type of card flips today.  And not much else.  Well, not much else very spiritual.  In the physical realm, there was bunches.

             For example, pool class.   Where five of us seriously kicked ass.  And running around like a crazy person (with resident four-legged-pal in tow) trying to get some emergency laundry done for J.D.  (He bought me dinner [and a brownie], with a To Go box for his dad, totally worth it.)  But wait,  let’s back up to the water movement.

             There’s a running joke amongst us select few, and today, she didn’t show up.  (No, I am NOT being mean.)  One woman is almost as good about being there as I am, except . . . . she doesn’t DO ANYTHING!  Oh hold on, yes she does.  She talks.  She talks MORE than me!  I know, difficult to believe, but oh so true.

             She is only moderately distracting as I’m shouting out our exercises, because I just yell right over the top of her.  For some others though (like a few who have hearing issues), she can derail their work-outs, and that’s annoying.  Tonight, she was nowhere to be found, so the rest of us moved our asses and really made our hour count.  It was lovely.

             Wanna know what else is lovely?  A funny little dog.  Earlier Max and I wandered some parking lots while we waited for our date to show up.  And then when we got home, we played one of his favorite games (I pretend to chase him while he drags Hedgehog or Purple Dinosaur or Pink Holiday Stocking around, sometimes burying it under pillows or bedding or assorted garments that are lying around, very often running at full speed).  So now, he’s exhausted.

tired dogs, used chairs
Princess And The Pea Grand Dog.

             One day last week our next door neighbor showed up on the porch.  He was getting some new office furniture and wanted to know if we’d like any of the old stuff.  Here’s the thing with this guy, he has REALLY nice shit!  So I ALWAYS say yes.  Remember the anniversary gift of living room couches from years ago?  (Also, ya know, I have a problem with chairs.)

             So, anyHOO, he and I drive this wheelie sitter over here from his house to mine, and when Dan gets home from work I make him drag it downstairs.  Then I take mine back from the dog.  Or so I thought.  He wouldn’t sit on the new upholstery.  WTF?!  I sat in it, when I wasn’t on my knee-stool*.  Then I moved some crap around the next day and forgot about the entire situation.

*HERE’s a link to one, if you aren’t familiar with them.  I got mine for free about 18 years ago when ANOTHER neighbor was moving.  See? A chair addiction is serious!

             Turns out, all I had to do was put some messy-ness there, and he was all over it.  Literally.  He climbed up like he was King Of The Mountain.  Fine.  At least he’s cute.  And I have my two seats back.

             On to our crooked card.  All I know at this point is that it came up NOT direct.  That was what I heard.  Let’s look at it and see if she’ll tell us more.

robin wood empress

The Empress  ~  3

             She’s a favorite, and should be.  Her fertility and compassion are  Universally known and appreciated.  She’s generous and she is All Loving.  But she’s also, once in a while, so enigmatic that she can be a bit of a challenge.

             I looked up what some others have to say about this one, and got (three times) “unraveling of involved matters” as well as some other references to the spinning wheel so clearly seen in this illustration.  Which, for me is, is kind of special.  I’ve been doing this for a very long time now, decades (lifetimes!) and yet, I still receive the gift of surprises.

             That weaving and creating symbolism is our key point right now.  The way we put together or take apart is what we need to focus on.  Are we smoothly blending our fibers?  Or are we snarling our threads and yarn to such a degree that we will have to cut the mistake out and begin all over again?

             We all create, whether as art, crafts, word arranging, or any other example on the planet.  It’s part of our lesson here as embodied creatures, we MAKE things.  We do work that MATTERS.  In the doing of it all, are we going against the grain or are we flowing with the nap?  Those are the questions we need to be addressing.

             If we have trouble with the answers, ask The Empress.  She will gladly provide the assistance we require.  And she will do it with a caring so deep that we can’t help but feel embraced and adored.

Today’s Deck:

Robin Wood Tarot

LateNight So Freaking Cute:

dressed up dogs
The text read,
Indiana, in his famous blue raincoat.

             I know nothing about anything inter-web-y, but I DO know that I can grab pictures off the tweeties sometimes.  So I did.

Bountiful Winter Blessings.

            Prepare yourselves for something so amazing that you might not even believe it.  I almost didn’t.  The overwhelmingly wonderful generosity of my children brought me to tears more than once last night.  I truly am the luckiest witch (and mother) ever.  

                          This will prove my point.  And then some.

             Yes, that’s me and Pinkey!  A gift from my son.  Today Dan did some front yard rearranging and now there is (PINK FLAMINGO!) light and loveliness for all to see.  We’ve decided that Pinkey will live indoors after the holidays, perhaps in the middle of the living room.   But we haven’t come to any conclusions yet.

             To further explain that picture, and a few of the following ones, in our family, it is traditional to put on every garment you receive.  Immediately.  No matter what else you are wearing.  In J.Adam‘s family they wrap everything in re-useable scarves and pieces of fabric.  So, that item on my head is a Brinson present-wrapper.

               Above, you can see J.D. demonstrating his new ornament (a golden glittery gun).  From Adam.  And wearing one of his new Solstice ties (this one is in the shape of a Yule Tide stocking).

             And here we have Hanny, modeling her gift from her brother, an exquisite chapeau.

             Empress is wearing several scarves and Max has on his new Snuggie (insert trademark sign here).

             This was taken at an odd angle because I was sitting on the floor (hugging Pinkey), but you can tell who it is.  Dan, wearing too many presents all at the same time.  (With a plaid dinner napkin around his neck; we were so enthralled with that uber green exchange idea that we cloaked a few of ours the same way, except ya know, we’re not classy and don’t have a plethora of neckerchiefs at our disposal.)

            A better view of Adam (as opposed to only half of him) and hopefully you can see both Hunter and Indi in their new apparel as well.  Of course the dogs got new clothes!

             Tomorrow I’ll show you some more photos of our celebration, but for now we need to move on to the message du jour.  It’s from our newest animal deck, in the Walkers Between The Worlds category, like Elephant from last Tuesday.

“Beaver  ~

Investing in home comforts provides security and family togetherness.

Glossy Beaver counsels conservation in all senses of the word, from protecting the earth’s resources for future generations to freeing yourself from large projects that sap your vigor and leave you vulnerable.  Beaver mates monogamously for life and keeps her offspring safe until the call of the wild bids them leave. 

Although our lives may be very different, the archetypal family unit still haunts our dreams.  Beaver’s lesson is that you turn longing into reality and transform love into a way of life.”

              Since this is our state animal we are pretty familiar with them around here.  Although, just the other night, my Beloved and I did learn a few a facts we hadn’t known before.  There was a program on PBS about home-builders in nature, and Beaver was featured prominently because of the tremendously functional and architecturally fabulous dens they create. 

             Any time we craft a cozy and welcoming home for our loved ones we are sending our own message.  We’re saying that THIS is a place to be comfortable in, THIS is where we are safe, THIS is our sanctuary.  As much as I detest The Burrow, for many reasons, it is our home right now.  And it feels like it fits us.  So I’ll make a point of being grateful for it.

Today’s Deck:

Animal Messages: Seek Inspiration From Our Animal Guides by Susie Green

LateNight Health Report:  I went to see the nurse practitioner on Wednesday, and she took some blood for a variety of tests.  No one called me from the office today, the results were due in by the end of business hours Thursday.  If anything had been amiss, she said they’d let me know.  I’ve heard nothing.  Apparently, I must be fine. 

           Without over-sharing (too much), the bottom line now is that my condition was sort of a Perfect Storm of Female Bad.  Menopause, pool closing/complete alteration in movement activity, turning 50, becoming a non-smoker, and basic metabolism changes due to hormones.  All in a VERY, albeit relatively speaking, short amount of time.  We have a new prescription and a new program now, so these steps should help.  I’ll keep you posted. 

              Today I took the bike out.  Fastest circuit yet.  And still, I’m coasting about half of it because of the hills.  I’m going to up the difficulty as soon as I can drop two more minutes off the total Route time.


Scrap Bag.

             Today’s title is my way of wishing that I was doing more quilting.  I’m not.  Haven’t been in my sewing room in way too long.  But I figure if I toss some fabric-ish phrases around it will make me feel better.  See?  There.  Helped already!

            Last night I almost finished Em’s second subversive cross stitch sampler.  Ran out of DMC number 553.  It’s purple.  I searched every damn box in the Burrow.  Not so much as a single thread left.  Tomorrow I will gather a handful of pesos and go pick up another skein.  Timing-wise it would have been perfect, if I could have been done with this one.  Ah Mercury, you sneaky bastard.

           The other day I got a call from the shop I do commission work and display pieces for.  Instead of completing something fun with bad words, I had to set it aside and start on one that will make me a few bucks (and seriously, only a few, but I was thankful for the call, not complaining, merely stating the facts).  The designer of this particular chart has some fairly cool graphs, I don’t mind working on them.  Even though I’ve already stitched this pattern before.  I’ll share a picture of it before I take it in.

             In small news, there is a promising update.  Although, as I remarked to Delia in the comments tonight, I lied.  Right after I put up last night’s post and sat down for crafting time, I washed my hands, which meant I needed a new band-aid.  Oops, it was bleeding again.  What a ridiculous injury this is!  Better today though, really it is much better.  I am ever hopeful.

         And speaking of positivity (because we always are) I received this great phone pic earlier from my Hurricane (who I am missing, on a frighteningly large scale lately).     

           Indiana Sunshine!  My grand-dogs bring such joy to so many.

           As I was going to the pool this evening my Wee Walnut and I made a little boy smile.  I love when this happens.  He was walking (sort of, more like gazing about) with his mom and older sister.  Just as I got to the four way stop sign he looked up and pointed at my silly car.  Then he jumped up and down and waved.  Obviously I had to wave back.  This made him even happier.  He was maybe two years old.  And that made me think of how, when the witchlings were that age, we always called them Terrific Twos.  It confused other parents that Daniel and I thought this was such an entertaining age, and that we never refered to ours as Terrible Twos.  (We’ve always been rebels, never sheep.)

            During our swimmy/exercisey class Patty and I were talking, of course we were talking.  I’ve been kind of struggling with a decision.  (Although “struggling” is too strong a word, more like lobbing around, or musing over.)  She said, jokingly, “get your cards out and ask the Universe.”  Duh Jule!  Why do I never think of these things that way?  I constantly recommend crap like this to everyone else, but when it’s me, I forget.  Thanks Patty, I will do that.

          Before we get to our message card of the day, here is the oddity J.D. and I witnessed in the driveway.  He was leaving and spotted this next to his car.     

                                     With this one just past our curb.   

                  I placed them together like this so we could share.    

            In the Tarot hearts are emotion, the suit of Cups.  After he left I got my deck out and matched them up.  Because obviously we were meant to know about this.     

             The nine is about full support in all matters of the heart, plenty of love and plenty of joy.  Very much about abundance.  Like the seven, one of my favorites – Dream It, Feel It, Have It.  These numbers are significant too, powerful and mystical.  What a cool treat The Son and I got, practically delivered right to our door step!

          We have no idea where these playing cards came from, but it was garbage day for the neighbors, maybe they fell off of a truck or something.  Don’t care, they showed up and were fabulous.

                                Here’s where we are on the card altar.    

“Dog  ~  Loyalty.

All of the Southwest and Plains Indian tribes had Dogs.  These noble animals would often give warning signals of approaching danger.  They helped in the hunt and were a great source of warmth on long winter nights.  Since the canine tribe has many breeds, early Indian dogs were usually half-wild.  This wildness, however, never divested the owners of their Dogs’ innate loyalty.

Dog has been considered the servant of humanity throughout history.  If a person carries Dog medicine, he or she is usually serving others or humanity in some way.  Here you will find the charity worker, the philanthropist, the nurse, the counselor, or the soldier.

Dog was the servant-soldier that guarded the tribe’s lodge from surprise attack.  Dog is a medicine that embodies the loving gentleness of best friend and the half-wild protector energy of territorial imperative.  Like Anubis, the jackal dog protector of Egypt, Dog is a guardian.  Throughout history, Dog has been the guardian of hell, as well as of ancient secrets, hidden treasures, and babies – while mothers were cooking or in the fields.  Dog honors its gifts and is loyal to the trust placed in its care.

In examining Dog medicine, you might find that you have fond personal memories of owning and loving Dog as a pet.  The message that Dogs are trying to give you is that you must delve deeply into your sense of service to others.  Canines are genuinely service-oriented animals, and are devoted to their owners with a sense of loyalty that supersedes how they are treated

If Dog has been yelled at or paddled, it still returns love to the person who was the source of its bad treatment.  This does not come from stupidity, but rather from a deep and compassionate understanding of human shortcomings.  It is as if a tolerant spirit dwells in the heart of every canine that asks only to be of service.

Dog medicine asks you to look at how readily your sense of loyalty is countermanded by your need for approval.   When dealing with Dog medicine there are several questions you need to consider.

Have I recently forgotten that I owe my allegiance to my personal truth in life?

Is is possible that opinions of others have jaded my loyalty to a certain friend, group, or situation?

Have I denied or ignored someone who is trying to be my loyal friend?

And lastly, have I been loyal and true to my goals and self?”