Contemplation and Truth

             When we are presented with challenges, bumps along our path, it is said that it’s the way we handle difficulties, not how we survive them which truly matters.

             Are we strong and brave?  Are we emotional, but recover later?  Are we just a soggy mess?

             Our message right now is all about how we “manage” and then how we go forward from that point.

Look Deeply

             The Universe wants us to know that it might be time to do some research.  Staying in the past is never a healthy idea, but examining what got us here, is.

             If we take a quiet moment, casting our minds and hearts back, what immediately arrives in the consciousness?  Where do we land?  Who do we need to still deal with?  And, why are we continuing to carry this fucking baggage into our futures?!

             (Okay, that last one maybe was just me.)

             The basics here involve clearing away what we no longer need; dropping in to mediation, prayer, or a historical search of some kind.  Once we review, once we examine, once we have felt, and heard, and Looked Deeply, we’ll be better equipped to face our present, and voyage on in to our tomorrows.

             On our card altar, this same theme is being validated.

look deeply

“Yemaya  ~  34

Grandmother Ocean, primordial

The Mermaids Sing:

We wish to share with you the knowledge of the Old Ones.  The Orisha, Yemaya is often depicted as a mermaid, a vast primordial mermaid with a star shining from her head, a mermaid of Power who gives birth to the world.

Through her we remember ….. mermaid energy symbolises the Birth of the World though Water.  Yemaya’s power and recognition is growing and beginning to ignite all of us.  She is like a beam of light, reminding us of our great age, our strength, and the many, many lessons we have learned, and how we can bring so much more to birth in the world.

She returns, the old one who is part human, part ocean being, and all humans are born from her.  Her mirror is the doorway, and the entry point to the unseen world.  Her tail is the womb from which we are all born.  The salt water is that which we all are suspended in, that which gives us life, and oxygen to this world of the Land.

And she taught us all – she birthed all the sea creatures, and she was vast – island chains are but the scales upon her tail – volcano her belly – and all faiths are permutations of her existence.  We mermaids love Yemaya, she is the mother of us all.”

Today’s Deck:

Oracle of the Mermaids by Lucy Cavendish

Today’s Sharing:

is this view from our recent walk.

found feathers
It’s very small, shades of gray.

             There were two of them, they were lovely.  I needed this reminder.  Maybe you do, too.



             As I said on Tuesday, there’s a new book in my life.  So far, it’s been pretty good (just a few nitpick-y things that bother me).  The information is generally very inspiring and interesting.

             Today, one of the authour’s topics is also our message.  Because this is something we need to look at, and remember.

Our Word

             There’s a saying about a person’s word being their bond.  Similarly, Our Word is also our mythology, our story, and our background.

             The way we view ourselves and our surroundings can also be Our Word.  It becomes the Truth of who we are.  And, who we are on our way to being.

             Our Word can be not only our bond, but also our Hope.  When we speak with a genuine care and an honest heart, we bring Our Word into the realm of lovingkindness.  For ourselves, and for our loved ones.

             Conversely, we sometimes lean toward harshness.  A negativity which never helps, nor heals.  From don Miguel Ruiz:

“Humans punish themselves endlessly for not being what they believe they should be.”

             When we allow that “should” to dissolve, and replace it with joy, then Our Word evolves, spiraling ever upwards, as we grow and learn.  It’s the letting go of our suffering that helps to cement our mind-body-spirit wholeness.

             On our card altar right now, we are being validated and gifted aplenty.


“The Present  ~  12

gift, treasure, revelation of own value, now-ness

The Mermaids Sing:

‘We have heard that in the warm semi-tropical waters of Australian’s Moreton Bay, a group of marine biologists have recently recorded fascinating new interactions between dolphins and humans.

The dolphins of this beautiful place have been, for over ten years now, bringing gifts to the biologists, who in turn have fed them in a strictly regulated program.  

The dolphins have brought to the biologists eels, fish, shells, and pieces of “treasure” from the sea, refusing to take them back when they are offered to them, in a moment of inter-species reciprocity which is moving and beautiful – and pure communication of sharing and energy exchange.

When this card comes to you, you are being shown how the energy is being exchanged in the present moment.’


There will be either a gift given, or a gift received.  But there can be no true gift without reciprocation . . . when energy is exchanged, bonds grow closer, and connection is deepened.

The exchange of gifts may also be about the giving of time and  energy to each other, shifting and moving away from a typical type of work for pay, into a more flexible system of exchange and caretaking.

Friends will offer to do things for you, and before you feel beholden to them, or hesitate to accept because you do not wish to be a burden, remember the joy of the gift is in the giving, and a gift cannot be given unless there is a true connection.

The gift, when this card is upright, comes from a pure and good place, it is joyful and it is given with the very best intentions.  It will draw you closer, and create even more intimacy and trust in your relationship.

A beautiful sense of partnership will evolve out of what seems like a simple act of generosity.  The exchange will never end . . . it is a bond forged beyond time, and as long as there is love, caring, and trust, the energy grows and ripples out into the world.”

 Today’s Deck:

Oracle Of The Mermaids by Lucy Cavendish

Today’s Sharing:

is THIS timely astrological offering.


To Cope

             There are some very challenging planetary forces happening right now, along with yesterday’s full moon.  I’m feeling them personally and am hearing about others who are, too.

             Due to these factors we’re just going to take a quick look at today’s message, move on to our daily draw, an affirmation, and be done with it.

Keep Showing Up

             Sometimes (like now), all we can manage is to arrive.  We’re not dressed, we didn’t bring anything to contribute, it took everything we had merely to show up.  So.  That’s it.

             Often, that’s enough.  Nothing more is asked of us.  (Thankgawd!).  Being is our primary activity.  And ya know what?  That’s totally fine.

             It has to be.  Also, it can be the sign we need.

keep showing up

“Contemplation Time  ~

‘Spend time alone, meditating upon what you truly desire.’

This card indicates that you need some alone time.  Make a firm appointment to be by yourself in a quiet place (ideally, outside in nature or near some plants) without delay.  Make sure that you’ll be uninterrupted for at least an hour.  Take a pad of paper and a pen with you.

Then, spend some time simply breathing, relaxing, and centering yourself.  After you are completely relaxed, write down this question to your subconscious mind on your paper:

‘what do I want to do to next?’

Write whatever comes to you in response, without worrying whether it’s ‘correct’ or not.  Then, ask your subconscious, 

‘what’s my heart’s true desire right now?’

Write down the answer.  Spend time noting your true priorities so that you’ll know how to structure your free time to match what’s happening to you.”

Today’s Deck:

Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s Affirmation:

I am aware of, and actively appreciating, everything that makes me happy right now.


Go With What You Know

             When we are in the middle of Mercury’s retrograding phase (and hoo baby, are we ever!), it’s much more peaceful if we don’t try to accomplish anything new or challenging.

             A better idea is to stick with (as Doreen says) all the “re” words (recharge, retreat, rejuvenate, review, repair, revive, restore, recuperate, refresh).

Staying with what’s comfortable.

             Because right now, like that recent Home message, the key is to keep those risks at a minimum.  No use sticking our necks out while the chance for decapitation is so high.

             There’s simply no need for making any extra uncertain (or even careless) moves.  Especially when we know that we’ve got plenty of time to be spontaneous later on.

             And, within our regular rotation around the card altar right now, we’ve been handed a very nice validation.  Staying safe never has to mean giving up our strength.

magical mermaid messages

“Empowerment  ~

‘You’re more powerful than you realize.

It’s safe for you to be powerful!’

This card confirms that your inner power wants to surface.  You’ll use this power appropriately, and you are incapable of abusing it.  Your true friends and the people who truly love you, will be happy that you’ve taken your power back.

Empowerment means that you are no longer willing to see yourself as a victim in any way.  It means letting go of all blame with respect to other people, past conditions, or present circumstances.  Know that you can be powerful and gentle simultaneously – and still be very effective.

Affirm frequently:

‘It is safe for me to be powerful!  I accept my gift of power to be used in the service of light and love.’

Then, enjoy the shifts you see around you.  Instead of worrying what others think about you, use your power to make the world a better place.

You may never feel self-conscious again!”

Today’s Deck:

Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

FLP Report:

begins with this view.

music matters
A state of Washington special that nether of us had ever seen before.

             And continues with a new New Mexico, two New Yorks (thinking of you, East Coast), Tennessee (and then, another Tennessee), one who got past us, a singular Nebraska, Florida, and Minnesota.

Tend To

             One of my personal lessons (and now, tasks in therapy) is to recognize value.  Our personal importance, something we’re all born wearing.  That unique quality of “here I am, this is me” which we all arrive on this planet with.

             Our culture is not good about promoting a gentle, concerning attitude.  In fact, it tends to excel in the other direction, that of breaking us down.  Especially towards young women who do not look like the current fashionable ideal.

             This morning I heard and saw images that we need to address now.

Loving Self-Care

             How amazing would everyday life be if we truly appreciated our very own special type of beauty?  How much more peaceful would our entire world be if each individual recognized her inherent brilliance?

             The Universe wants us to be on the awares, be alert for, and conscious of anything that is defeating.  Anything negative and aimed within.

             When we acknowledge that we are so very wonderful and worthy, then that lovingkindness can ripple out, and spread, and be shared with all.  Because we are, we’re valuable.  We matter.

             On our card altar right now, this validation is just the inspiration we can take along, as a To Go gift which blends so very nicely with our message.


“Dream Big  ~

‘Let go of small thoughts about yourself! 

See yourself succeeding!’

In the past, you may have seen yourself as insignificant.  This card asks you to release any thoughts or feelings of inferiority.   Truly believe that you are utterly qualified for any endeavor you can dream about!

Write down a list of your fears about moving forward, and then ‘drown’ those fears by putting the paper into a bucket or large bowl of water.  Then, take a cleansing shower, bath, or swim.

The water seals your new way of seeing yourself . . . .

as you are in truth: an equal to all.”

Today’s Deck:

Magical Mermaids And Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s Sharing:

is THIS newsletter, full of awesomeness, from my Seattle girl.
