More Than The Dark

             Earlier this afternoon I was made aware of a very cool holiday of light, created for the appreciation and celebration of Azna, the female aspect of God.  Now, s/he may not be YOUR god, and may not even be a concept you’re comfortable with.  But stick with me here.

             The reason I bring this information up is because it fell into place on exactly the day of Her celebration, from a source which was much older.  But before I was aware of that particular idea, and before I understood the depth of this message, I had been directed to revisit the cards I’m sharing below.

             When the Universe shows us something, in several different ways, it means we need to pay attention.  Which is what we’re doing.  It looks like the time is perfect for some Light, and some nurturing energy.

             And before you slide away, thinking this is all too soft for you, keep in mind, Mother God is a warrior, with armies of Archangels, all of them carrying swords.

             We need only remember our strength, be in our power.  One spark of light is always more than all the darkness.


The Presence of the Divine Feminine

At the center of everything, there is light.

And I am that light.

Who She Is:

The Shekinah represents the omnipresence and the immanence of the divine feminine.  The Shekinah in Hebrew means ‘to settle, to inhabit, or to dwell.’  It represents an experience of the divine presence right here in the body, and in the world.

In Kabbalism, mystic Judaism, the Shekinah is the feminine aspect of God.  And she is depicted as a piercing, radiant light.  She is the experience of God within us, as the soul of God.

To the Kabbalist, honoring the feminine is of the utmost importance.  This is why the red thread of protection is worn on the left wrist, which is the receiving side of the body.

In Kabbalistic teachings the Shekinah is represented in the tree of life as the pillar of balance.  She is the force which unites the opposites; she brings heaven to earth, and she unites the body and the soul.  Because of her, there can be a direct path of communion between humanity and divinity.

Because of her we can experience God right here in this moment,

and right here in this body.

When Your Soul Selects This Card:

In the Zohar, the main sacred text in Kabbalah, the Shekinah is described as being a world within a world, as a bright radiance at the center of everything.  All life on earth, all consciousness is a part of her light, and is therefore sacred.

The metaphysical theory of immanence is that the divine presence is manifested in the material world.  So there isn’t actually any matter, whether organic or inorganic, that isn’t also a part of the divine.

The Shekinah is light which inhabits your body, your cells, and is in the cells of all the people and all the objects you see around you.  She is also about pure experience.  She is the message, the truth that there is a light at the center of everything which happens to us – both the ‘good’ and the ‘bad.’

And the Shekinah is the reminder that we are not just this body, or this pain we might be going through, or this confusing moment in our brief life. 

We are light.  We are molecules of heaven in human form. 

Right now we can just know this.  We can experience the light we are.  And that we can be enough.  That can be the miracle and the answer we actually need.  Not words, nor meaning, but simply (and more profoundly) pure radiant being.

Soul-Voice Meditation:

Enter the heart, and repeat this mantra:

‘I am the light.’

See what images or words arise.


At the center of everything,

there is light.

I am that light.”

Today’s Deck:

The Divine Feminine by Meggan Watterson, artwork by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman








To Be True

             Sometimes our messages are thematic.  This is one of those cases.  Last week we spoke of forgiveness and allowing that grace to start from within, to begin the growth and kindness process with our own inner spark.

             We were encouraged to shine, to care, and to share absolution on our own worthy selves.  Now, I’m hearing something similar.  A reassurance that we can trust, we can be confident.

Believe Yourself

             In the scope of mental health, we are not always strong enough to give our own feelings and thoughts the honor they deserve.  Our brains can play tricks on us.  We question our very heart and mind.  It can be so challenging to know when, what to have faith in.

             There are ways to get help, there are tools we can use, tricks we can learn.  But we often don’t feel truly equipped to be the sole source of knowledge.  So we doubt.  We wobble.

             Right now, we are being reminded that we DO have what it takes to accomplish those tasks ahead of us.  We DO have the strength.

             Once we have forgiven, once we have apologized to our own bodies, the next natural step is to move forward.  To trust that our inner wisdom has not left us.

             Our spirit knows, even if our mind continues to quietly question, we can feel assured that yes, our instincts are good, and our inner judgment can be relied upon.

             At this time, we can count on, and believe in, ourselves.




