On Offer, In Acceptance

             I’ve chosen to not discuss Mercury retrogrades here, for a number of years now.  Not that they weren’t happening, because they fucking were.  But my perception of them has changed.

             As we learn, grow, evolve, our lessons alter and adjust along with our journey.  Our path takes a turn, we wander off to take a different route, there is a detour, we rest sometimes.  All of that, and more, is precisely what we’re SUPPOSED to be doing here.

              Recently a few aspects of where I was a decade ago have appeared in my Now version.  It’s been a bit jarring.  A bit sad.  A bit frustrating.  It’s also been good.  Good to see how far I’ve come.  Good to revisit ideas and messages.

            As with Mercury, and how those cycles have meaning in our day-to-day, they’ve changed, too.  I’m more prepared, now?  Maybe.  I’m more able to deflect and understand?  Possibly.  Is it still frustrating?  No question.

             But when we reflect on where we’ve been and where we are now and where we’re going, those older patterns make more sense.

             What I’m also hearing is that they can be as powerful as we make them.

Gifts ~  given and received.

             A gift doesn’t need to be made of expensive materials.  It doesn’t have to cost a lot.  None of the monetary factors apply when we are speaking of true and genuine value.

              When we acquire the tools and techniques to help us face challenges, that right there is a gift we have given ourselves.  The learning is the precious quality.  The understanding is the honourable factor.

             We are here so that we can leave being better than when we arrived.  By giving and receiving gifts, those of great merit, to ourselves and to our loved ones, we are serving our Divine purpose and we are making the entire planet a more loving place to live.

             Our lessons, those are our gifts, our contributions to the Whole.  They are ours, to give, and to receive.

Today’s Personal Sharing:

is to say that I’ll have a fine moment coming up to practice my re-framing skills.  Winter is nearing her end, the weather forecast is showing very warm temperatures in my area.  I am not looking forward to it.  But it’ll give me opportunities to learn, and tolerate.

winter serenity




Some Things, and Two Pairs of Glasses.

            First item of importance we will address is that today is Brad’s birthday, so … Happy Happy to you, our favorite California nephew!  I don’t think he reads this blog, but I believe that his mother, Daniel’s older sister, usually does.  Hopefully she can pass along our festive greetings of the day.

             The second order of business is about what the planets are currently up to.  There is a blog that I like which deals specifically with Mercury Retrograde issues, I clicked on the SUBSCRIBE button the minute I found it, so I get the e-mail updates.  Here is the newest post, totally worth reading right now.

             Next up, we need to discuss a wee issue about our card altar.  I started doing the Daily Draw at round about this time last year.  (Ha, I just used the new BackStory feature for this link, works like a charm.  Yay me!)  One of the issues I wanted to focus on was honesty; I will never hop around the rotation without telling you guys, and I said that I would always share with you exactly what the card was about, either using the guidebook it came with or what I knew about it. 

            Some times, as I mentioned in a recent comment, they mess with me.  A card with throw itself on the floor, or come up sideways.  Sometimes it will be super right-side up, but other times it just wants all of its versions told here.

           Today, this one did come up as very straightforward, but it still wanted the contrary aspect explained.  I don’t question this crap, we all know by now that I am merely the radio here.  I just tell you what I hear, then leave it up to whoever reads this to figure out what it means in his or her own individual life.

“The Eyes of Beauty  ~  positive expectations, clarity.

When the Eyes of Beauty show up as your Ally, they require you to examine your perceptions.  Do you see the world as perfect and beautiful?  Can you retrace your steps from your past to now and see the perfection in the way reality has been created?

Truly, perception is everything.  A glass half-empty is the same as a glass half-full, yet so different according to how it is perceived. 

The Eyes of Beauty remind you that if you move forward with conviction, all is well now and always will be.  You will see true prosperity as a result.  Expect to see beauty and you will attract your highest good.

Reversed:  as a Challenger, the Eyes of Beauty are a sign that self-centered fear, expressed through harsh judgment, is behind your current circumstances.  Are you seeing only the flaws in your situation or in another person?  Are you looking at what is wrong instead of what could be made right?  If you take some time to adjust your eyes and see things exactly as they are, you cannot help but admire their perfection.

Release your expectations and demands, and be with the truth of the way things are now.  You are whole and beautiful and perfect, and what you observe is, too.  It may not be exactly what you want, but perhaps in shifting your vision, you will find clarity and will see that it is exactly what you need at this time.  A total shift in perception is what is required now.”

           There are varying degrees of contentment, and I’ve gone through all of them throughout my life, as most of us have.  It’s like those stages of grieving, where you experience anger, denial, shock, and finally acceptance.  I think perception of the positive is very similar.  At one time I was a really, constantly crabby person.  I do still fall into rage when I am not paying attention.  But it has no longer become my default position. 

           Practicing anything can make us better at doing it.  Working on perceiving our lives, and our basic day-to-day trials, with less of a negative slant is healthier, more fun, and really just better for us and everyone we come into contact with.  I’m not saying we can’t acknowledge and honor our down times, we must do that.  But I am living proof of how perception can be changed, and how, on a spiritual level at least, our lives can be improved by it.

           Yes, it’s most definitely a work in progress.  We are here to learn, that’s the point of wearing these disposable bodies.  So some days are more challenging than others (no shit).  And looking for (hell, frantically searching really) for our blessings can be damn hard work.  The point is, we need to keep doing it.  We absolutely must continue to have those rose-colored glasses close to hand.  To hold on to what small dab of sanity we cling to, we really have to rely on messages like The Eyes of Beauty

            Noticing the gifts, like a flower or a couple of deer in a field, is what “seeing” is all about.  Using our hearts to view what is all around us, not necessarily the eyes in our heads, is what gets us through our contrary lessons that can otherwise be way too painful to face.