To Be, To Feel

             Without sorrow, we cannot truly understand what it might feel like to be happy.  Without pain, our concept of joy may not be as deep, as comprehensive and full.

             On this journey, it is very much part of our job, our lesson, our chore, to experience all the ups and all the downs.  It’s why we signed on for this ride.

             Is it fun, is it easy? No, absolutely not.  At times it’s so horrible we can’t imagine how we’ll get through the next minute.  Sixty seconds feels like sixty thousand years.

             This precarious mental state we all try to keep steady is what the Universe is asking us to focus on right now.

It’s the balance.

             Another way to look at this topic is to observe weather.  Without summer, we don’t have enough light to grow food.  Without the rain, we don’t have enough moisture to water our crops.  Without snow, our rivers would run dry.

             As much as I thought I wanted to fight against change, it turns out, battling is not the best way to get anywhere.  We must flow with the tides and the winds.  Because, we as animals here amongst the plants, we are part of the movement.

             Nothing stays the same.  It can’t, we are a constant storm in motion.  Our task is to feel all the emotions.  We learn by living the experiences.  Not by avoiding them.

             It is not comfortable.  It can seem endless.  And yet, as we come out the other side (and we do, we will, we always have), we are cleansed and we are better.  We are improved, and we are in a more receptive space for all of the positives awaiting us.

             To advance and evolve, to keep our souls going forward, we must cry for sad, laugh for happy, and immerse ourselves in all which lies in between.







Clearly, To See

             Our journey is our own.  That’s a Universal Truth.  We are here to learn, and to grow.  We have chosen the methods, the company, the life.  And yet, we struggle.  I struggle.

             This has been a challenging week for me.  My days were disrupted, our regular routine tossed aside.  As much as I strive for more understanding of serenity (and release), it is (always will be) a work in progress.  I mean, that’s basically the point of us being here.

             The other fact is, we have no control.  I know, people say we are in charge of our own destiny, but that’s only minimally true.  For huge things (think of weather!), we are so obviously NOT in charge.

             Absolutely, we wrote this chart, and we CAN alter it.  That process is entirely possible.  None of it is effortless, though.

             What I hear right now is for us to continue on our path, continue to

seek calm.

             Events around me have caused irritation.  Again, I am aware that if I allow shit to bother me, that’s all in my basket.  I’m not necessarily arguing either side, merely venting and speaking the truth in this moment, attempting to re-center, re-align.

             I’ve come across several mentions of transparency lately.  Folks who are saying what they truly feel, showing their under-bed dust-bunnies to the world.  It’s refreshing, and it’s beyond time for this switch, this step away from false fronts.  Being a chronic over-share-er from the beginning, I am pleased to see others traveling this road.  And finding it to be a positive experience.

             When we are honest with our attitudes, when we allow ourselves to see what needs improving, and then we reach out, opening up to answers, that’s where the growth happens.  That’s where we gain our education.  And, where we can land when the turmoil feels overwhelming, a safe port on our grand and epic search, our quest for calm.

choose joy
This image is from my new (free) meditation app.

Happiness is mine.








Unwavering and Brilliant

             As I continue to swaddle, cocooning myself and staying in a protected mode, I’ve been very aware of what’s coming through.  Not what I’m allowing through, because that’s still incredibly limited.

             What I have been clearly observing all this week is what (and who!) the Universe has been placing in my path.

             Every one, every thing, every sign has been safe, encouraging, and undeniably gentle.  My work schedule has begun to even out, and I’m hoping that the job itself will also begin to ease into a more natural pace.

             Here’s where it’s all taking us, and where it’s all coming from.

Keep The Faith

             But, this one’s definitely not to be interpreted as having any sort of religious slant to it.

             What our message is saying is that we need to continue doing what works for us.  We should keep ourselves safe, as it best suits our individual needs.

             We are being encouraged to use what tools feel the most comfortable in our hands.  And to watch for those signs.  We’re getting them, no doubt.  They are incredibly encouraging.

             Keeping the faith in our Self-Care, our unique journey, and our own empowerment is where our focus has to still be.  We can get past/around/through anything, as long as we remember how extremely important and valuable we are.

             Look at the validation on our card altar right now, she says the same thing: we’re strong, we’re beautiful, and we can do this.

keep the faith

“Goddess Of Beauty

‘You are a wondrous being of light;

there is nothing to change or fix’

You are a wondrously beautiful being of light, yet you cannot see it because you are comparing yourself to others instead of looking honestly and lovingly at yourself.

Meditate upon the image on this card and allow your light and natural beauty to shine through.  You are beautiful just as you are.  There is nothing to change or fix; just love and accept yourself as you are.

As you honour the beautiful person that you are, others will feel the light and warmth radiating from you.  As a result, you will attract wonderful and generous people into your life who will love and appreciate you for all you truly are.

Just be yourself – that is where your beauty lies!”

Today’s Deck:

Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno

Today’s Sharing:

is to show you the latest from Instagram.


             And to say that we’ve been greatly enjoying THIS series.  I was originally hesitant about doing the Netflix thing, for so very many reasons.  But right now, I’m super glad we have it.



             As I work through learning about Acceptance, and the serene Zen practices, I can almost physically feel the healing begin to take place.  It’s like those time-lapse photos where a plant is growing, but in this case, my soul is repairing.

             And when I went around the house flipping pages on the walls, I received our message.  Also interesting, on Doreen’s Instagram account this morning she pulled “Friendship” for her daily draw.

              This captures the combined sentiments of it all, very nicely.

"My love and acceptance of others creates lasting friendships."
“My love and acceptance of others creates lasting friendships.”

” ‘Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.’

There’s a great need in most of us to share life experiences with others.  Not only do we learn more about others when we engage in friendship, but we can also learn more about ourselves.

These relationships are mirrors of our self-worth and self-esteem.  They afford us the perfect opportunity to look at ourselves, and the areas where we might need to grow.

When the bond between friends becomes strained, we can look to the negative messages of childhood.  Cleaning your mental house after a lifetime of negative messages is a bit like starting a sound nutritional program after a lifetime of eating junk foods.  

As you change your diet, your body will throw off a toxic residue, and you may feel worse for a day or two.

So it is when you make a decision to change your mental thought patterns.  Your circumstances may worsen for a while, but remember – you may have to dig through a lot of dry weeds to get to the rich soil below.”

Today’s Resource:

You Can Heal Your Life 2014 Calendar by Louise Hay

Today’s Celebration:

is the memories of our ancestors.  Hope you all have a loving and festive Dio de los Muertos, and be sure to watch THIS, it is so well done!


Non-bartering Trade

             No argument, the old saying of “fake it ’til you make it” actually works as a mind-set and forceful concept.  And with the scenes I was shown this morning, I have to believe it’s even more effective than originally thought.

             We’re talking about a not-exactly-fair exchange here, when we insert (false?) happiness in the place where our negativity is holding court.  Call in a substitution!

             Setting out with full intention of replacing a bad attitude with a good one is the key.  Make it be true.  Force that fear/pain/negativity completely away.

Positive Will

             It is entirely possible to shove our way back up to joy.  The job isn’t easy, but it is simple.  There is nothing complicated about taking a few quiet moments and running through a list of all our blessings.

             Or, sitting in a calm place while we recall a happy, loving memory.  We can even imagine a dream vacation* or perfect new home.  When we bring good things to mind, good things are brought to us.

*Like that photo at the end of this post.

             On our card altar right now, we’ve returned to the regular rotation.  It’s delivered another view of this same message.  When we go to bed, and are grateful for the day, our sleep will be more restful (and even productive), as opposed to trying to fall asleep with the burdens of unhappiness weighing down our well-deserved slumber.


“Kyanite  ~

 intuition ideas, dreams

Pay attention to your intuition and your dreams over the coming days for you are being guided towards deeper spiritual understanding and insight.

Through this process, much of which occurs on a subconscious level or in your dream state, a rather ingenious idea will surface that will radically change your views on life, particularly your career.

Kyanite will help you ground this idea as you discover ways of practically applying your idea in your every day life and work.  However, do not try to force the process.  The idea will surface when you least expect it.

Simply relax and allow yourself to be open to new possibilities and insights.  Know that they already exist within you in an abstract spiritual form.”

Today’s Deck:

Crystal Oracle Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno

Today’s Sharing:

is this stock photo I came across recently.

tropical 1
Yes, please.

             Goes with yesterday’s wave sounds link.  I’m ready to go, won’t take a sec to pack.