Likelihood and Probability

             Have you ever seen a squirrel in your blackberry bushes?  I hadn’t either, not until earlier this week.  It was surprising.  But, maybe, it shouldn’t have been.

             We, as a species, go places where humans couldn’t possibly survive, and yet they do.  We, as active animals, perform tasks our bodies maybe weren’t even designed to accomplish, and yet we do.  There are so many ways we can flourish,  Uncountable ways.

             Here’s what the Universe is asking us to understand right now:

things are not always as expected.

             Like my bushy-tailed neighbor in the berry shrub, she was simply just doing what came naturally, looking for food.  Ta da, there is was!  I’m the one who was caught off-guard.

             Our life paths often take us in directions we not only weren’t planning on going, but didn’t even realize existed.  This journey, it’s like that.  One day we’re out hunting for nuts, and, out of nowhere, there’s free fruit!

             What it’s not like?  The movies, internet, TV, or as books tell us.  It can be so much more, and if we’re in a negative place mentally, it can seem like so much less.

             That’s the point of this message, it’s not what we “expect” because we don’t have a clue as to what/where/how much we could even accomplish.  It’s never too late to head down any avenue we like, or wander along a new road we may feel the interest in exploring.

             What is “expected” of us is rarely where our heart directs us.  And it is rarely what will make us happy.

             In many belief systems, we are encouraged to seek out calm and loving attitudes.  And yet the media bombards us with the constant inadequacy that we cannot be satisfied unless we acquire All The Things, or appear a certain way.  Where do we find our balance?

             Right now, it seems, our key is to let go of expectations.  Those tossed over us by our culture (and the big businesses who are running so much of it), and those ideas we had about, and for, ourselves which maybe weren’t even ours in the first place.

             What I hear is, it’s time now to be our own unique and individual selves.  Being in our skin, enjoying our surroundings, loving those close to us, appreciating our many blessings.  Allowing those unnecessary expectations to slip away.  That seems like a terrific spot to be in.




Positively Positve.

            One of the topics I had wanted to discuss (anew) yesterday was how we are actually able to help ourselves along, on our journey here in this body, when we learn how to primarily focus on good instead of bad.  This was addressed in our Bee message as well, talking about keeping the pollution out of our lives (both the physical type as well as the spiritual).  It is the foundation of this Exceptional Life book I’ve been reading.

           Both Louise and Cheryl are known for their healing gifts and insight into how best to improve ourselves, from the inside out.  Even though I realize this isn’t nearly the first time any of us has seen or heard the following, it IS the latest little morsel that I ran across the other day and felt the need to share:

“What we put out into the world has a great effect on what we get back.”

             They live in such a way that this statement proves itself repeatedly to be true.  I’ve found that as well, even though (obviously!) I do tend to fall back in to that old flawed thinking and behaving still.  (Not a chance in hell any of us is ever going to attain perfection, no matter how hard we try!  It’s not even the goal.)  I think it’s more about being AWARE of the whole concept and continuing to practice it, making it our natural reaction.

            In the work Dan, J.D., and Ally do, they train for immediate responses.  They push themselves to have the automatic reactions be the safest and most effective ones, instead of lapsing back into the instinctual reptile brain behaviours, the primal fight or flight.  We know from decades of this now, it works, our brains and our instincts CAN be changed, reworked and trained in a specific direction.  This is the idea behind personal improvement projects, like Exceptional Life and EasyWeigh.  There is proof, this works, it can be done.

 “We are all exquisite communication machines.  Each one of us is a walking, talking radio tower, transmitting and receiving energy signals every moment of every day.  Like radiant stars sparkling in the night sky, we live and breathe in a unified field of energy that connects us to one another.”

             Even when we are not being conscious of our positive/negative thoughts, they are still happening.  Which is why we need to turn our attention to focusing on it more often.  It’s not difficult, it’s just a new idea that we have to get used to.  I am going to ponder some thoughts on how to keep the reminders fresh and obvious, but right now the way it has been happening naturally is that, as I said before, I haul this book around with me all over the house.  Every time I pick it up, and then set it down, I see the words in the title, and that’s like a REFRESH button to my brain.  “Right, positive thoughts and energy!”

            It seems to work in a similar fashion as how the method of Distract-and-Redirect does.  We originally learned about this when the kids were going through their respective Terrific Twos years.  Saying “no” is just ludicrous for toddlers, and it hurts their feelings as well.   Much more effective to distract and redirect.  I know it worked with the smoking, and I had some success with the Eating and Reading project.  I’ll keep on it with this Positive Thinking idea too.

              My outdoor activity today was a neighborhood wander.  The most obvious thing I noticed was the fluctuations in temperatures.  There are spots on My Route that, at this time of year, never see sunlight.

           I’m out there after two, sometimes a LOT after, so it’s not like that glowing solar orb hasn’t had a chance to warm crap up.  This is just one example that I could get a picture of.  You’ve seen how we have hills and trees all around, those features have much to do with it, sure, but so does the fact that we are just kinda high up on the globe (not as high as some of you, I know), so right now the sun is fairly crooked in the sky, not exactly any High Noon action goin’ on here.

             Some of the streets I walked this afternoon were in full light, my Pacific Northwest retinas felt boiled and I got uncomfortably overheated, then I’d move over one or two blocks and it would be, literally, freezing cold.  Continues to be an educational and strange sensation, this whole Being In Nature On A Regular Basis experience.

              Could I BE any worse at this photography shit?  I really thought this was the perfectly framed shot.  Jeez.  Okay, what you are looking at here, in the above picture (or what I WANTED to show you) is how this is the fence that’s being shoved out by that bamboo.  The bamboo which is SO not mine!  (Megan‘s number One son!)   Right.  I guess you can KIND of see it, past the red-ish painted fence and farther down that sidewalk?  Nevermind.

              Let’s just do our card now ‘kay?  This one is so encouraging, and it presented right side up only, no Contrary or Challenge to be seen.

“The Diamond Dreamer  ~  material wealth, true prosperity.

When the Diamond Dreamer arrives, he represents the successful manifestation of the unseen into the material.  Be sure you truly want what you think you desire, for this Ally will commit to getting it for you. 

All manner of conditions will flow around you; messages from Spirit will serve to guide you toward achieving your heart’s desire.  If you want a house, you will be led to it.  If your priority is a new job, with the right continual steps, you will achieve this.  If you desire a more harmonious relationship, the measures needed to create this will be obvious.

A project finally pays off.  Material gain and positive financial shifts may also be on the way.  You will, indeed, see the tangible results of your ambition.  The Diamond Dreamer also serves to guide you to the appropriate choices so that the unseen is awakened to move mountains on your behalf.

Positive communication is now possible in all your relationships.”

               Seriously?  This is SO freaking welcome right now!  For all of us, right?!  I don’t think it needs another thing added.  Let’s just roll around in this overwhelmingly positive message, and wallow, shall we?

Today’s Deck:

Wisdom Of The Hidden Realms Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid