Having a Day

              In my (self-appointed protective) poking around the internetz recently, I came across a brilliant young woman (no link to found, sorry).  She had an inspired suggestion:

Instead of telling you to have a nice day, I have another, perhaps better, idea.  Because, not all of us CAN have a nice day, not all of us are capable of that right now.  We maybe are only able to just get through the day.  I’m going to wish for you to have a day.  To survive it, so that you can, later (hopefully) sleep, and then get up tomorrow.  ‘Tomorrow’ is always a new opportunity.”

             That’s where I am, currently.  I’m just able to have a day.  I’m hoping for all of you that your day is good, but if it can’t be good, then at least have the day.  Tomorrow will be our next chance.

             In its usually validating way, here is the Universe chiming in.  More truth, if all we can do on this day is air-in/air-out, that’s still an accomplishment.

have a day

“Breathe  ~

Archangel Raphael:

‘Take several deep breaths, exhale slowly to awaken your energy and release old patterns.’

Additional Message:

‘Often during times of stress, you may unconsciously hold your breath.  Yet, as we know, breath is essential to oxygenating your mind, body, spirit, and very life.

Write a note to yourself to breathe, as a reminder of the importance of invigoration yourself with deep and steady breaths.’

Working with Archangel Raphael:

Raphael will give us Divine guidance (intuition, thoughts, ideas, dreams) about how we can participate in keeping our bodies healthy.

When you call upon this archangel for healing, pay special attention to inner impressions, and be sure to follow through upon guidance which calls you to take action.”

Today’s Deck:

Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s Sharing:

is a small note about Doreen.  Many folks in various spiritual communities have “broken up” with her lately.  She’s turned a new leaf in her life, and some people aren’t fans.

             For me, personally (now that I’m barely learning about Change lessons), I can see how it would be challenging to watch a teacher and leader going another direction, and in that sense, discrediting much of what we still believe to be true.   Of course, I can also understand how she needs to grow and absorb her lessons in her own way.

             For the purposes of this website, we are going to carry on as if she were no longer with us, and just allow her to move along in her journey.  We’ll continue to draw from her cards, guidebooks, pertinent sources, and accept that which serves us in the best and most positive way, as we’ve always done.

             There is still great validity in what she originally channeled, and vast amounts of her work is out there, being read and being shared.  It comes down to choice, and I choose to receive my messages from any and all avenues available, so long as they are found to be within the parameters of lovingkindness.




Steadfast Perseverance

             Some prizes are harder to find than others.  But when we stay on our path, do the work, and continue forward, we really do get rewarded.

             Is the journey difficult at times?  Absolutely.  Are there barricades, detours, and bad roads along the way?  Without a doubt.  In fact, sometimes it feels as though our search is never-ending.

             Fortunately, this is not the case.  We will all win.  We will all come Home.  We will all see how very worthwhile each step and stumble and triumph really is/was.  And that’s what I was shown this morning.

             All we need to do is …….

just keep going.

             We can’t know, right now, how long any of it will take.  How far we’ll have to travel, or who we’ll encounter on our way.  But we CAN be certain that it’s worth it.  All of the good and bad, are worth it.

             To validate this message today, I was directed out of our regular rotation around the card altar.  We needed to hear from, and absorb deeply, this particular card.

archangel messages, raphael, breathe

“Breathe  ~

Archangel Raphael:

‘Take several deep breaths, and exhale slowly to awaken your energy and to release old patterns.’

Additional Message:

‘Often during times of stress, you may unconsciously hold your breath.  Yet, as you know, breath is essential to oxygenating your mind, body, spirit, and very life.

Write a note to yourself to breathe, as a reminder of the importance of invigorating yourself with deep and steady breaths.  Make trips to places where fresh air is plentiful.

You’ll also notice an increase in air quality when you’re near water, such as the beach or a lake.  Even taking a shower or bath puts you in touch with the positive ions associated with water and air.’

Working with Archangel Raphael:

 . . . . . he is known as the healing angle in charge of physical healing for all living beings.  Often Raphael gives us Divine guidance (intuition, thoughts, ideas, dreams) about how we can participate in keeping our bodies healthy.

When you call upon Raphael for healing, pay attention to inner impressions, and be sure to follow through upon guidance that calls you to take action.”

Today’s Deck:

Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s Sharing:

is a sign.  It was in our neighbor’s yard, next to the mailboxes.  When I crossed the street, I walked straight up to it.

Thank you, Turkey
Thank you, Turkey

            The day before I spotted this, I had been wondering why there were no feathers around lately.  Thanks, Universe, I promise, we’re listening.