Consideration and Assistance (edited version)

             Ready for something a bit different?  Good, here’s where we’re going.

             As many of you know, I have some struggles, lessons in this lifetime which are my own personal challenges.  It’s a funny thing, being a person who helps for a living.

             Your situations?  I can see them all day long.  Your questions?  I can answer them with no trouble and no delay.  However, when it comes to MY shit?  Yeah, that’s a whole ‘nother level of ….. well, let’s just say we all need to ask for aid.

             Here is who I recently reached out to.  And this is what we discovered.

             Go visit Vera and Christina (HERE) to learn more about their work.  And if some of those images seem familiar, they are.  I’ve connected to their place before, and have several pieces of art here at home.

             Be sure to check out more of their videos HERE.

             Next week, we return to our regular format.  Thank you all, for understanding that this is the direction we needed to go right now.



             Today brought me great joy, in so many tiny and miraculous ways.  Which, how NOT coincidental, is precisely what our message is talking about.

             In the mindful consciousness, we are striving for that feeling of being here now.  Knowing the moment, and enjoying it.  No matter the outcome, no matter the physical situation of anything anywhere else.  Just, to be is our goal.

Observational success.

             We have not failed when we become distracted by a ringing phone, a barking dog, a chiming clock, or even a wandering mind.  We’ve merely been reminded of our human-ness.

             Bring it back.  Call up that calm once more.  See the small and important details.  Tune in to the greater beauty of us all.  We accomplish more in those tiny seconds of devotion than we can ever realize.

             Remember, being joyful is its own perfect reward.  We win when we see with love, and when we walk in beauty.  We replenish and heal every time we take those quick few minutes to slow and be and care.

             On our card altar right now, back within the regular rotation, this daily draw shows a gorgeous and soothing image, one I could just sit with for endless hours.  It has it all.

self-care, priorities

“Priorities  ~

Get  your priorities straight.

When you know what’s important,

speaking your truth gets much easier.”

             Whether it’s making time to be alone/be with others, saying yes/saying no, moving around/slowing down, once we have determined what is truly of the greatest importance to us, we WILL and CAN make it happen.

Today’s Deck:

Self-Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson

Today’s Sharing:

is an update.   One of my absolute favorite artists contacted me earlier, so we’re going to revisit THIS ancient post from years gone by.

Archangel Michael
Michael Archangel

             This illustration (the actual framed piece of paper) has many miles on him.  I’ve carted the drawing around, hither and yon, over and back, in cars and trains and trucks and buses and bikes.  Drawn by Christina Simonds, he’s helped me in ways that I can no longer count.

             Thank you, Christina, and Michael.  For being your own true selves, and for giving so much to the rest of us.

Day 14 Plus Bonus Notes With Picture.

             Spoiler Alert:  I am going to talk a bit about angels before we get to the card, which, has to do with angels.  Just wanted you all to be aware.

             Here’s the deal with me and angels, I used to really struggle with the concept of them.  Eventually I figured out it was me, and not them.  Or rather, it was my perception of them, as how they had been promoted and conceptualized by one major religion.

             It took me not very long at all to get past that once I realized how valuable they truly are, but in their honest form, not in some cutesy overly stylized version.  Angels go beyond all organized religions, no one has a copyright on them, they are what they are, not what people SAY they are, or how they look.  Here’s a picture of one that I carry around with me.

   Daniel and the kids got this drawing for me years ago, it was through Sylvia Browne, created by an artist named Christina Simonds.  This is a strong and impressive image.  Now THIS is an angel you can count on!

“The Winged Wise Ones ~ 34 ~ angelic help, miraculous aid.

    Always Allies and never Challengers, they represent the aid of all angels.  Any time we reflect upon, pray to, call out for, angels they hear us, and they answer.  They are the proof of Divine Intervention and the potential of miracles to heal and transform, as if my magic.  Their entire purpose is to help us reach our dreams, be well, and soar the highest.  Focus on them, they are with us always.  (No, seriously, ask them for help.  Anytime, anywhere, about anything.  This one gets me good parking places, calms my frazzled nerves, brings us aid in all things.)

   This particular interpretation is lovely, not as powerful as mine, but a good one.  (Also, you may have noticed that I don’t tell you about skin tones, that is up to you to see for yourself in your mind’s eye.)  The illustration here is done in muted browns, sepia if you will, with the contrast of white.  (Keep in mind that angels come in all colors, shades, shapes, sexes, and sizes, just like we do.)  This one is a female, perched on a carved column that has simple but elegant scroll work.  She has bird-like wings and there is a single feather near her foot.  In the bottom left hand corner is a dove in full flight, and the background is all muted creams with sparks of light and streaks of beige.”