
             Every day, at just after midnight, our calendar changes.  In around four weeks, it changes again.  When twelve months have passed, another change is marked.  In ten more years, it’s called something else entirely.

             It’s a sort of random-yet-confining set of rules, this flipping and assigning, these days to weeks to months to years to decades.  But our culture embraces the changes like they have true meaning.  It’s false though, this created definition, has not always been this way.

             In nature, there are fluid seasons, not harsh and jarring page flips.  One gradual interval overlaps/slides up against the next when none of it is measured with math and numbers.

             This gentle ease is what the Universe would like us to focus on right now.  Not the squared off boxes we cram our illusion of measurements into, but the flowing movement which is more natural to our emotions, our bodies, our souls.  To our


             Instead of counting and recounting, we are encouraged to sit, be.  We may feel drawn to going over some past events or emotions, but we can also enjoy just the gratitude and grace to be found in where we currently rest.

             To struggle now is to defeat what this particular point in the planet’s journey is trying to teach us.  Where I live, it’s now a cold and dark period.  A time filled with great opportunities.  Refreshing and contemplative occasions just waiting for us to discover them.

             We can cocoon indoors, light candles, and sip warm drinks.  Or we can bundle up, march about in the brisk air and breathe deeply, making this spot on the wheel of the year, this exact moment, valuable and worthy.

              As I was jotting down notes for our message, I was drawn to an additional validation.  This is yet another way to honour our sacred self, to harness the strength we are surrounded by, while still remembering who we are, and why we’re here.



The First Woman

‘I am the voice of my body and soul.

I choose the life that I desire to live.’

Who She Is:

Lilith embodies our sovereignty to declare our desires and do what must be done in order to live them out.  According to Jewish folklore, Lilith was Adam’s first wife.

She was created from the same earth as he was.   So when he expected her to be subservient to him, she refused.

Lilith explained to Adam that they were equal – made by God.  So when Adam insisted again on her submission, she uttered the divine names and flew away.  

She embodies the emotional and spiritual aspects of our unconscious or unrealized desires, sensuality, and unbridled sexuality.  Lilith owns her body and soul completely.  For many women, she is an icon of freedom.

She is the first woman.  She is the woman who refused to be dominated or defined by anyone or anything outside of her.


I am the voice of my body and soul.

I choose the life that I desire to live.”

Today’s Deck:

The Divine Feminine by Meggan Watterson and Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman




It’s What We Can’t Do Without

             The most basic (and yet heart-wrenching) Truth of Life is loss.  The endings. They are brutal.

             Of  course they all lead us into new chapters and hopeful beginnings.  But, the fact is, GOING completes the cycle.  Saying goodbye can be painful, on many levels.  It can also, if we focus our perspective, be enriching.

             Here is what the Universe would like us to remember about living and leaving right now:

Before All Else

             What this DOESN’T mean is to put anyone or anything before our own health and well-being.  What it DOES mean is, let’s make sure that we bring lovingkindness to the forefront, always.

             Let’s not forget to replace fear with faith.  Let’s have Self-Care at the top of our daily To Do lists.  What it also means is to Choose Joy, practice gratitude, and generally wear that power of positivity into as many situations as we possibly can.

             I can link to several songs right now, all of which have LOVE as the theme, but I’m fairly certain you have some personal favorites and can locate them quite easily.  Play them now, sing along, feel the strength in that energy.

             On our card altar, this validation appears, as reinforcement.  (Please be extra aware of the last three words.  Repeat it as a mantra this week and you won’t go wrong.)


“Aquamarine  ~  

moderation, energy, tolerance, gentleness, compassion, feminine, goddess

Whether male or female, you can overcome a current conflict by reflecting upon and applying moderation, tolerance, gentleness, and compassion.

These qualities are not a weakness, rather, they are strengths.  What is called for at present is greater compassion and tolerance coupled with a little patience and gentleness.

It is possible to resolve things in an amicable way to create a positive outcome for all concerned.

As you look back on this current episode, you will realise a valuable lesson.  Compassion and tolerance are a sign of maturity and strength of character.

They are qualities which infuse all with love and light.”

Today’s Deck:

Crystal Oracle Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno

Today’s Sharing:

is this view, and recommendation, for August.

Be Here Now

             If we stop only once a day and bring this image to mind, say the words and feel the power, we have given ourselves and our loved ones a gift in that moment; appreciate it, sit with it, honour it.  We’re worth that piece of time, we’re worth that space and that blessing.


Force of Life

             We are a people who like our specifics.  We are basically animals with label-making machines in our hands.  We feel a need to categorize and order all that we can.

             Which, I think, is sometimes why we argue about religion so much.  Everyone wants to put their sticker on the biggest prize.  Or, conversely, in the case of atheists, to slap a big ol’ N/A tag on the void.

             Regardless of what we call this phenomenon, those of us who do believe in something would prefer for it/them/her/him to be called by a proper name.

             The message I’ve been getting, and the songs I’ve been hearing, are reminding us that it makes not one damn bit of difference HOW we refer to our spiritual source, just so long as we continue to make the recognition.  And to do it in our own individual way.


             Whether we go to church, or attend no organized serves of any sort, just stopping somewhere in our day (or week, or whenever) to sit in holiness is a gift.  A moment for our soul to really rest and see and reach out to others.

             Those sacred seconds are precious, and needed.  It is necessary for us all to stop.  To have a time for Quiet.  For prayer.  For reflection.  For meditation.  For just stepping off the messy and loud ride we call this life, and taking a few deep breaths, taking a pause in our daily busy-ness.

name of god

           “You’re not thinking about loving.

you’re just being love –


like the sun.”

             This is a view of our upstairs hall, and it suits us perfectly right now.  Some ancestors worshiped the Sun, and that was ideal for them.  This is a validating reminder to set the title tapes down, and look within.  Holding and honouring our own impression, our own faith, that’s the key.  Not who or what we call it.

Today’s Resource:

Ram Dass 2016 Wall Calendar

Today’s Moment of Irony: 

is that just after I got this post written, I saw there is some kind of television event coming up called The Story of God.  When I read the headline, I just said, “thanks” and laughed at how awesome these signs are.


To Care, To Bake, To Bike.

             We’re going to begin with our daily message, because we need to do it in an alternative method today.  Our card is a good one, but it needs a bit of tweaking to make it work for us.  “Us” being the eclectic and fabulously diverse community of JulieLanders.

             I understand how some folks find a one-word, supreme-being-descriptor comforting.  I am not one of those people.  And I know that many of you are not either.  So, instead of just transcribing the guidebook’s definition, I’m going to use MOST of the narrative and SOME of the language.

             It won’t be as confusing as it sounds, we’ve done it before, with terrific success.  Much as before, I’ll be substituting words.  I just feel like this is SUCH an important message that we NEED to see all sides of it.

oracle cards, love and faith

Love  ~

God, Goddess, The Universe, Great Spirit, Mother Earth/Urtha, Creator, The Force, The All, Mr and/or Mrs Deity Of Your Choice, Nature

Life is love, love is everywhere and everyone.  Therefore, Divine care is surrounding, healing, and supporting you and your current situation now.  The answer to your question is quite simply “love.”  That’s because it is all that exists, in truth.  By focusing upon Love and this caring, you will find the answers, solutions, and results you are seeking.

If you have found yourself struggling to do things on your own, this card is a reminder for you to call upon your Team, your ancestors, your angels, your totems, and your elementals for help with everything.  The Universe’s infinite wisdom has miraculous answers and solutions for you.  Don’t worry about how your pleas and prayers will be answered – instead, have faith that the will of the All is for you and your loved ones to be at peace.

Your life purpose involves your being a role model of Divine love.  By meditating and going within before you do anything, you are a reflection of this shining light, which is the best way for you to be a spiritual teacher: by living as an example.  Feel Life’s powerful love in your heart right now, and know that this is the answer you seek.

Today’s Deck:

(mostly based on) Saints & Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s Mileage:

more than 8.   All of them wet, and windy as fucking hell.

Temporary repair, with cement blocks holding up the embankment.
Temporary repair, with cement blocks holding up the embankment.

Yesterday’s Baking:

did not go well.  I tried a new cupcake recipe.  Something failed, coulda been me, but I’m not claiming that yet.

To be eaten with a spoon.

             We now have a bowl full of cake crumbles.  If we were making an English Trifle, we’d be set!

On the plus side, there's frosting.
On the plus side, there’s frosting.

             And then I heard that Karen Buys makes her biscuits with CHEESE in them.  I am NOT doing well as a vegan right now.