Healing Properties

             As we rolled in to February, I had a few challenging days.  Based on the undeniable fact that, as every single second ticks past, we are leaving more and more of my beloved Winter behind.  Which means the days will get longer and warmer.  This is not good news for me.

             Facing our struggles, and then calming our fears, is such a valuable skill to have.  It’s one I’ve been working on, in a dedicated and powerful way.  So when I’m struck low, or when an outside source agitates my zen (the way impending Spring does) I can usually pull over (metaphorically speaking) and spend some down-time in a restful place.

             One of my favorite ways to do this is in the manner of curating my feed, or … removing that which does not heal.  In a physical sense, I aim my brain at something which calms me; I point my eyes at some image that can bring a sense of joy.

             This is such an item.  It was built in 1892 by a Doctor in a small North Dakota town.  It is everything I want and need in a home.  With the exception of its land-locked status and ownership not being mine.

             But what it represents right now is also our message.  The Universe would like to remind us of how important it is to


             Not only the night slumber type, but also day-dreams, fantasy, imagination, meditation, prayer.  By any other name this is a mental escape where we can slow ourselves to serenity and relax.  It is a tool we can use to take our racing mind and body out of play so that we can refocus.

             When we work long hours, we need to take a break.  Tranquility is crucial.  For our heads just as much as for our muscles and bones.  These bodies we’re wearing do best when well fueled and and well rested.  So do our minds and hearts.

             Whatever it is that you can point your eyes to right now, do it.  Give yourself a treat, visually.  Allow yourself to gaze off, or peer inward.  Whatever is the best for you, go do that!

              I’ll be here, meditating on a beautiful old house.





Open Hands, Open Heart, Open Mind

             Everyone knows, by now, that one of my major lessons (and apparently that of many folks), is all about the Release.  The Letting Go.  The No-Longer-Clutching-For-Dear-Life-With-A-Death-Grip.

             Recently another of my past lives was revealed to me.  And boy howdy!  Was it just a big ol’ pile of LET THE FUCK GO nearly from start to finish.  (It also answered several questions, once I gazed about and saw the scenery…)

             What I have learned from exploring these various meat-suit travels my spirit has gone on, is that we can definitely see patterns.  We can definitely observe cycles and loops of what we’re working on, where we’re headed, and what helps us the most.

            The Universe reminds us now, whenever we have the option, it’s a great idea to sit quietly and look within.  Slow the outside noises, set them aside.  Here is where we find our


             As I’ve said before, three minutes behind a closed door if that’s all we can manage.  Better even than that?  A nice lie-down with some relaxing music or guided meditation.  But truthfully, for us to take just a mini Self-Care pause, is better than not doing it at all.

             And in that brief opportunity, that still-mind moment, we really are able to see our answers and regain our center.  It works, I promise.  Clearing our brains will bring on solutions, serenity.

             Our job here is to seek out what rings true, what gives us hope and joy, then ….. we share it.  The more we can focus intention in our spare seconds, the better our souls can connect with our hearts.  And the better we can connect with our loved ones.

             Small, simple steps lead to enormous benefits, advancements on all levels.  We are worth it, take the time.  Our clarity is there, in the quiet.

Progress Enhanced

             As non-traditionalists, our festivities are often different from what is usually observed (or suggested by pre-printed calendars and retail marketing).  Last week was the perfect example.

             We gather, once a year, in late October.  As a family we get together.  We celebrate.  We catch up.  We confer.  And we spend valuable time in each other’s company.

             It was not always like this.  We have, as they say, come a long way.  We have all worked towards bettering ourselves and our daily existence.   We have also all matured, grown, and changed.

             Personal forward momentum is not easy to measure though.  Unlike with children, where you can stack up milestones like building blocks, or pile the progress markers like shiny treasures.  Growth of the mental and spiritual sort doesn’t take well to numbers, charts, graphs.

             Right now, the Universe would like us to be aware of our


             To notice and acknowledge how far we’ve truly come.  Because so often the only steps we recognize are the backward tumbles, the falling down, and the spectacularly negative crashes off our wagons.

             Backsliding often is part of the way we learn, part of the way we progress, and very much a part of the way in which we all develop.  We sometimes cannot get going without taking that toe tap behind, and then pushing off.

             The trick to this, the key, is to appreciate every gain, every speck of growth.  Focusing on our “haves” as opposed to our “have nots” will help our brains to realize how very far we’ve progressed.

             It’s the attitude, and it’s the gratitude.  Every time.  To notice, is to truly improve.

This was my morning view the entire time.
It was a fucking gift.









Compassionate Encouragement

             This past week was . . . . . tumultuous.  There have been some pretty towering highs, and a few crushing lows.   Both personally and in the news.

             As we’ve previously discussed, I have chosen to keep myself safe by “curating the feed” of what I’m exposed to.  External negativity is simply not healthy.

             In fact, that’s exactly what the Universe wants to remind us.   Protecting ourselves is vital to our wellbeing.  While at the same time staying informed and knowledgeable.  We need to consider how those outside influences are going to affect us, on all levels.

             Our priority must be to respond


             As with lovingkindness, this recommendation is about allowing ourselves the gentle gift of care.  It is enormously better for us when we make a point of avoiding harshness, avoiding the clamor of ignorance and hatred.  Yes, this can be difficult, but it must be done (or, at least attempted) if we are to stay safe, sane, and able to help.

             While we also must recognize our power (we are stronger than we realize), it is vital to surround ourselves with the comforts which sooth and cleanse, heal and repair.

             When we dig around in our toolbox, let us find those items which bring us the most joy, the gentlest compassion, the largest dose of solace.

             In a loud and ugly world, our task is to share joy, bring healing, and show the strength a gentle gesture embodies.


Personal Note:

photo credit needed, I can’t find the original, nor can I recall where I got this image.  This was the one I was directed to use, so I’m hoping I can figure out where it came from.





             Every day, at just after midnight, our calendar changes.  In around four weeks, it changes again.  When twelve months have passed, another change is marked.  In ten more years, it’s called something else entirely.

             It’s a sort of random-yet-confining set of rules, this flipping and assigning, these days to weeks to months to years to decades.  But our culture embraces the changes like they have true meaning.  It’s false though, this created definition, has not always been this way.

             In nature, there are fluid seasons, not harsh and jarring page flips.  One gradual interval overlaps/slides up against the next when none of it is measured with math and numbers.

             This gentle ease is what the Universe would like us to focus on right now.  Not the squared off boxes we cram our illusion of measurements into, but the flowing movement which is more natural to our emotions, our bodies, our souls.  To our


             Instead of counting and recounting, we are encouraged to sit, be.  We may feel drawn to going over some past events or emotions, but we can also enjoy just the gratitude and grace to be found in where we currently rest.

             To struggle now is to defeat what this particular point in the planet’s journey is trying to teach us.  Where I live, it’s now a cold and dark period.  A time filled with great opportunities.  Refreshing and contemplative occasions just waiting for us to discover them.

             We can cocoon indoors, light candles, and sip warm drinks.  Or we can bundle up, march about in the brisk air and breathe deeply, making this spot on the wheel of the year, this exact moment, valuable and worthy.

              As I was jotting down notes for our message, I was drawn to an additional validation.  This is yet another way to honour our sacred self, to harness the strength we are surrounded by, while still remembering who we are, and why we’re here.



The First Woman

‘I am the voice of my body and soul.

I choose the life that I desire to live.’

Who She Is:

Lilith embodies our sovereignty to declare our desires and do what must be done in order to live them out.  According to Jewish folklore, Lilith was Adam’s first wife.

She was created from the same earth as he was.   So when he expected her to be subservient to him, she refused.

Lilith explained to Adam that they were equal – made by God.  So when Adam insisted again on her submission, she uttered the divine names and flew away.  

She embodies the emotional and spiritual aspects of our unconscious or unrealized desires, sensuality, and unbridled sexuality.  Lilith owns her body and soul completely.  For many women, she is an icon of freedom.

She is the first woman.  She is the woman who refused to be dominated or defined by anyone or anything outside of her.


I am the voice of my body and soul.

I choose the life that I desire to live.”

Today’s Deck:

The Divine Feminine by Meggan Watterson and Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman


