Healing Properties

             As we rolled in to February, I had a few challenging days.  Based on the undeniable fact that, as every single second ticks past, we are leaving more and more of my beloved Winter behind.  Which means the days will get longer and warmer.  This is not good news for me.

             Facing our struggles, and then calming our fears, is such a valuable skill to have.  It’s one I’ve been working on, in a dedicated and powerful way.  So when I’m struck low, or when an outside source agitates my zen (the way impending Spring does) I can usually pull over (metaphorically speaking) and spend some down-time in a restful place.

             One of my favorite ways to do this is in the manner of curating my feed, or … removing that which does not heal.  In a physical sense, I aim my brain at something which calms me; I point my eyes at some image that can bring a sense of joy.

             This is such an item.  It was built in 1892 by a Doctor in a small North Dakota town.  It is everything I want and need in a home.  With the exception of its land-locked status and ownership not being mine.

             But what it represents right now is also our message.  The Universe would like to remind us of how important it is to


             Not only the night slumber type, but also day-dreams, fantasy, imagination, meditation, prayer.  By any other name this is a mental escape where we can slow ourselves to serenity and relax.  It is a tool we can use to take our racing mind and body out of play so that we can refocus.

             When we work long hours, we need to take a break.  Tranquility is crucial.  For our heads just as much as for our muscles and bones.  These bodies we’re wearing do best when well fueled and and well rested.  So do our minds and hearts.

             Whatever it is that you can point your eyes to right now, do it.  Give yourself a treat, visually.  Allow yourself to gaze off, or peer inward.  Whatever is the best for you, go do that!

              I’ll be here, meditating on a beautiful old house.





Globally Connected

             I come from a long line of not-very adventurous folks.  We’re the opposite of world travelers.  But that doesn’t mean we are closed-minded.  We absolutely believe in expanding ourselves, enjoying new experiences.

             In fact, since we do tend to stay close to home, aren’t generally able to afford much more than our day-to-day existence, we welcome with open arms fresh perspectives and input.

             We also very much appreciate when we are gifted something which we wouldn’t ordinarily come across.  That happened to me this week, the world was brought to my doorstep.  This unexpected connection reached out, and then it sparked the idea of our message.

             When I sat and reflected, opening up to what were we to learn from this one, I was directed to share:

remember why you came here,

remember your song.

             This phrase is similar to lyrics I recently spent some time with.  The song resonated with me in a deep and profound way.  Go HERE, and watch the video.

             This woman is gathering the music of history, recalling our ancestors, and then sharing her treasures with us.   I’m going to follow her social media pages to see if there are shows near me or opportunities to see her live, because this, this sound, this human, this rhythm . . . it is something I am undeniably drawn to.

              The idea that we remember, the idea that we are all one, the idea that it is our joy to care for each other.  It is truth.  And it is in our very core, our cells.

             Below is a collaboration; Peia Luzzi and two other phenomenally talented young women (Megan Danforth and Cyrise Schachter).  I feel so grateful that this music and this collection of bright souls were brought into my life.

             Enjoy!  Feel free to share, as I have done.  When we are all singing peace, it can’t help but make that the strongest and most powerful aspect among us.





Acquisition and Understanding

             As I’ve shared before, when I need some inspiration, or a random pick-me-up, I’ll look at pictures (or videos) of dolphins.  Whales and sharks are also good.  Rarely can I find seahorses, but they’re sometimes the best.

             The other day, as I was watching marine life cavort while trying to move my mood meter out of the negative numbers, I had this thought.  If you’ve ever looked closely at these animals (the big whales, more than any other) they all have marks or blemishes, scars and imperfections.  All of them have a uniqueness to them, an individuality in their outer guise.

             My mind went immediately to the Body Positive movement, because, as much as I say “embrace your flaws” it’s still difficult for me to actually do that.  This cultural shift that’s happening, this mass enlightenment, is what’s helped me overcome so much of the shit I’ve been hauling around for decades.

             And then, my beloved sea friends, moved me another step closer to appreciation and Self-Love.  Right now, what we want to focus on is;

Acceptance Lessons.

             One of the only things we can can alter, mold, or shift is our own attitude.  We can whine, or we can understand.  We can complain, or we can honour that which brings us strength.  We can accept.

             Don’t forget, acceptance has nothing to do with giving in.  It has nothing to do with allowing others to have power over us.  It is the opposite of that.  It is about our own inner peace.  Because truthfully, we don’t need to even worry about anyone else.  When we find our zen, our center, the very core of our inner power, we have automatically and authentically shared that with our loved ones.

             We have chosen this path.  We know we can handle it.  We understand that it is the very best journey for our soul.  Showing compassion for ourselves, and giving our bodies the respect they are due is the best gift of all.  To us personally, and to everyone we care about.

             Here is the most lovely validation.  There are layers/levels of insight and meaning, as to why this card popped up for us.  Read the story of one brave and determined woman.  Know that she was real, she had a life, she had hope, she had strength.

             She arrived today as a reminder for us:

we have all of this, too.


“Pope Joan  ~  The Pontiff of Possibilities

‘The possibilities are limitless,

because the soul is limitless.’

Who She Is:

Pope Joan embodies the truth that all things are possible.  According to popular legend, there was a female pope who reigned for three years in the 9th century.

She was a brilliant, highly educated woman who entered the Catholic Church in Rome by cross-dressing as a man so she could be with her lover.  Intelligent and quick-witted, she rose through the ranks of the Church hierarchy and was eventually elected as Pope.

Three years into her reign, she was in a procession from Saint Peter’s to the Lateran in a lane once known as Via Sacra (the sacred way).  Her true gender was dramatically revealed when she game birth surrounded by a shocked and astonished crowd.

. . . all subsequent cardinals had to sit on the sedes stercoraria (a throne with a conspicuous hole in the middle of the seat) to get a confirmation of sex before being named as the next pope.

In the 13th century, Jean de Mailly wrote a chronicle which contains the first written mention of an unnamed female pope.  This inspired a wildfire of interest that spread throughout Europe.  To this day, the story of Pope Joan is widely believed.

When Your Soul Selects Her Card:

We can so easily get caught beneath the glass ceiling of what we think is possible.  But the truth is that everything is possible.  

It’s hard for us to imagine just how much the divine wants for our lives; much more than we could ever hope.  Pope Joan reminds us that even if we think that what we want isn’t possible, it is.

Or, even better, there is something our soul wants for us which will give us more than we can think to ask for.

Pope Joan is a sign to trust in what you believe about yourself.  Trust what’s within you.  Don’t rely on what you see around you.

Have faith.  Know that the circumstances you are currently in are transformed from within.  Begin to believe in a vision of your life, cultivate the capacity to see it, to really imagine it with all of your senses, and you will live into the day it exists as the reality that now surrounds you.

Pope Joan’s right hand is held in the papal blessing, a Christian mudra of benediction.  The two fingers which point downward represent Christ’s dual nature as both fully human and fully divine.  The human ego is limited, and lives beneath a glass ceiling.

Joan demonstrates to us though, that for the soul, the glass ceiling doesn’t even exist

Trust in what the soul knows is possible for you; this is what Joan’s wry smile reminds us.

Soul-Voice Meditation:

What helps me remember that all things are still possible for me?


The possibilities are limitless,

because the soul is limitless.”

Today’s Deck:

The Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson and Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman





             In the spirit of true, and continuing, transparency, I need to tell you that it’s approximately the surface of the sun here, as far as heat goes.  And, according to the apps on my phone, it will continue to be like this for another two weeks, or ya know, until fucking forever.

             I get it.  It’s summer.  But truthfully, I can’t stand these temperatures.  This oven-like weather makes me physically nauseous and entirely unpleasant to be around.  I can’t think.  I can’t sleep.  I can’t hold a thought, nor a conversation.  It’s disgusting.

              Just wanted you to know how I’m doing.   And why we don’t have a personal channeled message.  I can’t rest and listen when I’m finding it hard to breathe.  I become enraged, and more swollen than usual.

             The reason for this post though, is a beautiful and positive one.  We received a wee giftie that I’d forgotten about.  It was on order, and then it appeared.  (Some items I simply can’t purchase locally, and I’ve had to become okay with that.)

             It is THIS DECK.  And it is glorious.  I keep seeing signs and posters and stickers and t-shirts, all of them saying: the future is female.  No offense, obviously, to those of you raising sons, I happen to know, up-close-and-personal, that those boys are included here.  This statement is not just truth, it’s also mythic.  The males who are birthed and instructed by feminists are just as much our future.

             This afternoon, three women in my life came through, in a big and important way.  I have daughters, I have born nieces, I have married-in nieces, I have sisters-in-law.  All of them are strong and bright, loving and kind; I know we can count on them to help, personally and globally.  It gives me hope, merely thinking of them.

             This is our first draw, the first of many more to come.  It is perfect in its validation, its message, and its tone.

miraculous healing

“Catherine LaBoure  ~  

The Patroness of Miraculous Healing

‘I am ready to heal.

I am worthy of the miracles meant for me.’


Catherine LaBoure embodies our capacity to facilitate our own healing.  She was born in Côte d’Or, France in 1806.  When Catherine was nine years old, she picked up a statue of the Virgin Mary after her mother’s funeral and said with a kiss, ‘now you will be my mother.’

As a young woman, she became a member of the nursing order of Saint Vincent de Paul in Paris.  She chose this order after she had a vision of Saint Vincent’s heart in the Church on Rue de Bac.

In 1830, Catherine had another vision, this one of Mary standing in the vesica piscis with rays of light streaming out from the center of her open palms.  She asked Mother Mary why some of the rays don’t reach the earth.  And Mary explained, ‘those are the graces for which people forget to ask.’

Catherine was instructed to create a ‘miraculous medal’ based on this vision of Mary.  All who wear them, it is believed, will receive great graces.

Saint Catherine’s miraculous medal became widely popular among all sects of Christianity.  It is still worn by millions all over the world to this day.


It can feel effortless to ask for what our loved ones need.  We can fall on our knees at times to pray for the health and highest possible outcome for our beloved children and partners or friends.  What’s often far more difficult is asking for all that we need.

For many of us, lack of self-worth can get in the way of realizing that we can ask for so much more.  And that ultimately, there is no difference between praying for our own needs and the needs of our loved ones.

There are so many miracles, graces, and blessings which don’t arrive simply because we don’t ask for them.  The spirit world is ethical and doesn’t interfere with our intrinsic right to choose our own adventure story.  Free will is ours.

So we have to ask for the Universe to intervene in the effort of our own healing.

Ask and you will find.  This is a spiritual truth.

And also, suffering is optional.  Suffering doesn’t glorify us nor make us more holy.  At any point we can ask for the highest possible good to shower down on us.

We can ask to be healed in ways we can’t even imagine by handing the healing over to the divine.

The healing might not arrive in the way we picture being healed.  Our lower back may still throb with pain, but our heart has shifted and there’s a miraculous amount of light within our lives again.

If we can hand over an attachment to what healing is going to look like, we can receive all the blessings waiting for us.


What can I ask for help in healing?


I am ready to heal.

I am worthy of the miracles meant for me.”

             Thank you, to all of my Divine females (and the males in their lives).  Thank you, Meggan Watterson, for channeling this oracle and sharing it with the world.







Showing Appreciation, and Sharing Gratitude

             Today I spent over an hour on the phone with my mother.  Now that I’ve said that, let’s unpack the entire statement.  First, I am grateful, on an hourly basis, that if I want to speak with my parents, all I need to do is dial up their little flip phones, and Ta Da!  They answer.

              I know that this is a gift.  The primary reason I’m aware is because I can’t do that with my siblings.  My sister is dead.  My brother is an ass.  She and I communicate in other ways.  He never answers.

             Next fact: I now have an incredibly close and mutually respectful relationship with my mom.  It was not always like this, I do know the difference (and this way is better).

             Third piece of truth.  I work a lot these days, away from home.  And it’s a challenge, what with the health situation.  Which means, when I DO have a day off, I often need to use it for resting.  Talking to my parents is NOT relaxing.  It is, however, entertaining.

             That hour-plus was an extreme luxury.  Acknowledging this brings us back around to


             I come from people who have never had much.  Not for countless generations.  And what they did have, land, was taken from them.  (Side Note:  I don’t celebrate July 4th as any sort of holiday.)

             This week, for me, and possibly for you, too, we’re focusing on a blatant show of gratitude.  We’re going to aim towards appreciation, for those gifts, blessings, advantages, and opportunities which surround us.

              Sharing is a form of this same idea.  To say thanks, in any small way, helps to lighten the load, it brings a smile, and it can brighten someone’s day.  With very little effort on our part, we can train our gaze to that which we do have, not what we do not.  To only look at lack, well, it brings us all down.

             We have to be realistic, I know this.  What we don’t have to be is selfish.




