Healing Properties

             As we rolled in to February, I had a few challenging days.  Based on the undeniable fact that, as every single second ticks past, we are leaving more and more of my beloved Winter behind.  Which means the days will get longer and warmer.  This is not good news for me.

             Facing our struggles, and then calming our fears, is such a valuable skill to have.  It’s one I’ve been working on, in a dedicated and powerful way.  So when I’m struck low, or when an outside source agitates my zen (the way impending Spring does) I can usually pull over (metaphorically speaking) and spend some down-time in a restful place.

             One of my favorite ways to do this is in the manner of curating my feed, or … removing that which does not heal.  In a physical sense, I aim my brain at something which calms me; I point my eyes at some image that can bring a sense of joy.

             This is such an item.  It was built in 1892 by a Doctor in a small North Dakota town.  It is everything I want and need in a home.  With the exception of its land-locked status and ownership not being mine.

             But what it represents right now is also our message.  The Universe would like to remind us of how important it is to


             Not only the night slumber type, but also day-dreams, fantasy, imagination, meditation, prayer.  By any other name this is a mental escape where we can slow ourselves to serenity and relax.  It is a tool we can use to take our racing mind and body out of play so that we can refocus.

             When we work long hours, we need to take a break.  Tranquility is crucial.  For our heads just as much as for our muscles and bones.  These bodies we’re wearing do best when well fueled and and well rested.  So do our minds and hearts.

             Whatever it is that you can point your eyes to right now, do it.  Give yourself a treat, visually.  Allow yourself to gaze off, or peer inward.  Whatever is the best for you, go do that!

              I’ll be here, meditating on a beautiful old house.


