
             In the spirit of true, and continuing, transparency, I need to tell you that it’s approximately the surface of the sun here, as far as heat goes.  And, according to the apps on my phone, it will continue to be like this for another two weeks, or ya know, until fucking forever.

             I get it.  It’s summer.  But truthfully, I can’t stand these temperatures.  This oven-like weather makes me physically nauseous and entirely unpleasant to be around.  I can’t think.  I can’t sleep.  I can’t hold a thought, nor a conversation.  It’s disgusting.

              Just wanted you to know how I’m doing.   And why we don’t have a personal channeled message.  I can’t rest and listen when I’m finding it hard to breathe.  I become enraged, and more swollen than usual.

             The reason for this post though, is a beautiful and positive one.  We received a wee giftie that I’d forgotten about.  It was on order, and then it appeared.  (Some items I simply can’t purchase locally, and I’ve had to become okay with that.)

             It is THIS DECK.  And it is glorious.  I keep seeing signs and posters and stickers and t-shirts, all of them saying: the future is female.  No offense, obviously, to those of you raising sons, I happen to know, up-close-and-personal, that those boys are included here.  This statement is not just truth, it’s also mythic.  The males who are birthed and instructed by feminists are just as much our future.

             This afternoon, three women in my life came through, in a big and important way.  I have daughters, I have born nieces, I have married-in nieces, I have sisters-in-law.  All of them are strong and bright, loving and kind; I know we can count on them to help, personally and globally.  It gives me hope, merely thinking of them.

             This is our first draw, the first of many more to come.  It is perfect in its validation, its message, and its tone.

miraculous healing

“Catherine LaBoure  ~  

The Patroness of Miraculous Healing

‘I am ready to heal.

I am worthy of the miracles meant for me.’


Catherine LaBoure embodies our capacity to facilitate our own healing.  She was born in Côte d’Or, France in 1806.  When Catherine was nine years old, she picked up a statue of the Virgin Mary after her mother’s funeral and said with a kiss, ‘now you will be my mother.’

As a young woman, she became a member of the nursing order of Saint Vincent de Paul in Paris.  She chose this order after she had a vision of Saint Vincent’s heart in the Church on Rue de Bac.

In 1830, Catherine had another vision, this one of Mary standing in the vesica piscis with rays of light streaming out from the center of her open palms.  She asked Mother Mary why some of the rays don’t reach the earth.  And Mary explained, ‘those are the graces for which people forget to ask.’

Catherine was instructed to create a ‘miraculous medal’ based on this vision of Mary.  All who wear them, it is believed, will receive great graces.

Saint Catherine’s miraculous medal became widely popular among all sects of Christianity.  It is still worn by millions all over the world to this day.


It can feel effortless to ask for what our loved ones need.  We can fall on our knees at times to pray for the health and highest possible outcome for our beloved children and partners or friends.  What’s often far more difficult is asking for all that we need.

For many of us, lack of self-worth can get in the way of realizing that we can ask for so much more.  And that ultimately, there is no difference between praying for our own needs and the needs of our loved ones.

There are so many miracles, graces, and blessings which don’t arrive simply because we don’t ask for them.  The spirit world is ethical and doesn’t interfere with our intrinsic right to choose our own adventure story.  Free will is ours.

So we have to ask for the Universe to intervene in the effort of our own healing.

Ask and you will find.  This is a spiritual truth.

And also, suffering is optional.  Suffering doesn’t glorify us nor make us more holy.  At any point we can ask for the highest possible good to shower down on us.

We can ask to be healed in ways we can’t even imagine by handing the healing over to the divine.

The healing might not arrive in the way we picture being healed.  Our lower back may still throb with pain, but our heart has shifted and there’s a miraculous amount of light within our lives again.

If we can hand over an attachment to what healing is going to look like, we can receive all the blessings waiting for us.


What can I ask for help in healing?


I am ready to heal.

I am worthy of the miracles meant for me.”

             Thank you, to all of my Divine females (and the males in their lives).  Thank you, Meggan Watterson, for channeling this oracle and sharing it with the world.







Team Travel.

             Only having one perspective from which to view family visits, I don’t know how other people do theirs   But ours are very busy/idle.  We have pockets of THIS IS THE EVENT! bordered by relaxing hours of down-time.  It’s blissful.  For me, anyway.

             If you are the person who is here from out of town, it’s exhausting.  The bodies are too many and the hours not enough.  I’d like to take this opportunity to publicly thank my Hurricane.  She is far more talented, on so damn many levels, than she could ever imagine.

             My daily intention (empathy) has helped me to see how very difficult her part of the equation can be.  Not that I didn’t know it before, because I absolutely did.  But it also goes well with our message.

Focus – when we aim our footsteps forward, 

we are more mindful of our path.

             Which makes me also think of just how important it is to appreciate and acknowledge the sacrifices made by others on our behalf.

             Within our regular rotation around the card altar, we’ve been shown what a great sense of humour the Universe truly has.  Or are we being reminded how completely we’re all connected?

saints and angel messages

“Marriage  ~  St Catherine of Alexandria”

             I won’t be transcribing what the guidebook says this time.  Partly just because I’m feeling like we don’t need it.  But I will share this bit about the image portrayed here.

“St Catherine is a powerful being who helped St Joan of Arc during her visions.  Born of Roman nobility in Alexandria, Egypt, Catherine was beautiful and intelligent…..”

             We can look at this one from different directions.  With our Wedding Weekend being the main attraction around here right now, we’d obviously go that route.  But there are also other ways of seeing this.

             Any time we combine efforts with another, as a team or group or simply a pair of us working towards a common goal, we are involved in a type of marriage.  As we all know, there is more strength when we have support, no matter what the circumstances.

             Where we are being directed with this message, is to remember our compassion, as we move along onto the next part of our journey, together.

Today’s Deck:

Saints & Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s Sharing:

is a posed shot.  Of the Grand Dogs.

dog treats
Speaking of Focus!

             Indi and Maxx, awaiting the treat Dan has in his hand, just barely out of camera range.  Hopefully tomorrow I’ll have pictures of people.

New Month, Same Season: Winter.

            Right, so yesterday I said I wasn’t going to be all goal-ish and talk about the new year.  Well, I’ll only do it briefly, and definitely NOT like anyone else.  To start with, we’re going to get back on the Exceptional Life bandwagon that we (sorta kinda) started in November.  This run-down is in the first chapter and I knew it was the part we all needed to see today.  Not only do I agree with these guidelines, but I’ve suggested many of them my own self elf.  More than once.

Simplicity  ~  focusing on small, simple, and manageable steps instead of making things complicated.

Optimism  ~  putting attention and energy towards solutions rather than focusing on problems.

Patience  ~  experiencing the journey fully and consciously rather than rushing to achieve a particular result.

Trust  ~  learning to trust Life by seeing the perfection and opportunity for growth in all of our experiences.

Growth  ~  viewing life as a classroom where we use our experiences as catalysts for change and self-realization.

Service  ~  focusing more on how we can best encourage and assist those in need, as opposed to getting lost in our own personal vision and quest for success.

Action  ~  making a commitment to show up and walk through the doors that Life opens for us on our journey.

Faith  ~  being willing to take chances and keep moving forward without knowing the outcome.

             Cheryl calls them the “recurring themes” in Louise’s spiritual journey.  I would love to have them be exactly that for us too.

               We’re just getting (re)started with it, so, as I work my way through this tiny volume I’ll keep you posted.  Today’s outdoor activity was another (mostly uneventful) bike ride.  I’m not taking intentional days off anymore.  If it happens that I can’t get to my “scheduled” movement, for whatever life reason, that’s fine.  But I’m going to just keep to the loose plan of MWF as walking and TTS as riding, with Sunday’s just going as they go.

            In Personal Health News, it’s not great, but it’s not worse either.  During the past week and a half the majority of the edema has lessened, but I’ve not lost any weight and I don’t feel any different otherwise.  I’ve ordered another volume (gift card!) written by the EasyWay guy, Allen CarrJudy suggested I look in to it and I’m waiting for that to show up.  I have complete faith that if this man can get so many people to quit smoking (freaking effortlessly!) there’s no reason why he can’t apply the same principles to healthy eating as well.

            For our daily draw today I’m going to do something I hardly ever do.  I’m going to NOT give you the full definition, I just can’t.   I looked at the guidebook right before I sat down here, and there are simply too damn many words and phrases that I don’t believe are accurate, or even helpful.  Instead I’ll be using MOST of  her words, but changing the ones that need to removed or altered.

“Marriage  ~  St Catherine of Alexandria”

            This is a message about a present or future relationship.  We have a spiritual destiny with an individual.  There is a higher purpose for us to be together, and we are supposed to help one another grow and prosper.  We recognize this person by having a feeling that we’ve known each other forever.  Synchronistic events bring us together, and there is a sense of destiny and fate in that relationship.

            The card means that a significant other is currently in our lives, or will be soon appearing.  If we want to manifest it into a lifetime commitment, ask St Catherine to help attract and discern an appropriate partner.  She can also help us with self-honesty, which will allow us to determine whether a relationship is truly healthy and if we are compatible with this person.

            (I just went back to see if we’ve pulled this card before, couldn’t figure it out.  I have no concept of time, as you well know, I also, as many of you know, don’t retain any of the readings I do, so since these daily draws are like mini-readings, not much of this sticks once we’ve gone on to the next one.  We’ve discussed St Catherine before [Delia and I have, anyway] but I just don’t know if we’ve talked about this EXACT message or not, or even if there are more than one St Catherines.)

            We’ll leave that one as it is, I don’t have much more to add.  Other than, my own idea about relationships is that they need to be open and fair.  If one person is not happy or seems to be doing all the giving, then it needs to be fixed or ended.  Our lives here are about learning and growing, we cannot flourish or advance if we are spending all of our valuable time doing someone else’s work, in addition to our own.

            Last night as I was making my rounds in the blog-o-sphere I stopped in at Matt’s place (as I usually do).  This post has some wonderfully positive ideas, and in the comments section one of his regular readers (wave wave, hi CaptLex) shared a really cool suggestion:

“…I’m not going to spend any five dollar bills. Yup, I’m going to pretend they’re unspendable and just hold on to all the fives that come my way, and maybe by the end of the year I will have saved some money…”

            Fun huh?  I’m totally going to try it, and encourage Daniel as well.  It could end being super profitable, or end with not much more than ten bucks in our pockets this time next year.

Today’s Deck:

Saints & Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue