
             We all know that there is no such thing as coincidence.  We are here for a purpose.  We have charted this life for specific and sacred reasons.  When we come across (or, more accurately, are directed to) people and information it is intentional and focused.

             I was recently fortunate enough to meet some incredible individuals (including these two, who had traveled half way around the world).  It was a gathering of like-minded souls.  A group of people who were drawn together for a healing experience.

             Planning the trip, driving there and back, sitting in the space, interacting … it was all meaningful.  It also resulted in showing me how far I’ve come on this particular journey, as well as how (very!) far I still have to go.  It was educational.  And painful.  But, like our lives, it had purpose.

             Yesterday, in between much family chaos (broken cars, lost phones, business upheaval), we landed in a shop called One World Eugene.  It’s at our local mall, and it’s recently moved down the lane into a newer, larger premises.

             Turns out, I was sent there by the Universe.  So we could hear this message:

“39 Oneness

Mani Ratna Mudra


spiritual union, balance, integration


supports and balances all of the systems of the body.  Directs breath and awareness throughout the body.  Opens crown chakra.


bend index fingers inward and touch the tips to thumbs.  Join thumbs and hands with base of the palms touching.  Extend other fingers open.  Relax shoulders and move elbows slightly away from body.


I experience the oneness of everything.


take a few slow and deep breaths of expansion.  Bring awareness to the crown of your head.  Feel the sides of the crown, the top of the crown.  Feel the breath moving in and out of the crown.

Expand light out from the crown of your head upwards.  With each inhalation, light expands outward.  See yourself as a fountain of light.

Notice your connection to the moon, the stars, and the sky above.  Feel your light reaching up to touch all of the these elements.  Feel the connection to the oneness of everything up above.”


Mudra for Awakening the Energy Body written by Alison DeNicola, illustrated by Sabina Espinet

             For the past 5 or 6 weeks I have been investigating mudra* philosophy, and beginning a practice of the methods.  To find this deck, to pull this card, to go these places, to meet these people, to learn the name of that store ~ well.  It’s not by chance nor accident.

*Pronounced as meh-draw, with the accent hard at the beginning.  Or as mood-rah, with an uplift at the end.  I’ve heard both.  (You could also google it, and they’ll say the word outloud.)







             In the spirit of true, and continuing, transparency, I need to tell you that it’s approximately the surface of the sun here, as far as heat goes.  And, according to the apps on my phone, it will continue to be like this for another two weeks, or ya know, until fucking forever.

             I get it.  It’s summer.  But truthfully, I can’t stand these temperatures.  This oven-like weather makes me physically nauseous and entirely unpleasant to be around.  I can’t think.  I can’t sleep.  I can’t hold a thought, nor a conversation.  It’s disgusting.

              Just wanted you to know how I’m doing.   And why we don’t have a personal channeled message.  I can’t rest and listen when I’m finding it hard to breathe.  I become enraged, and more swollen than usual.

             The reason for this post though, is a beautiful and positive one.  We received a wee giftie that I’d forgotten about.  It was on order, and then it appeared.  (Some items I simply can’t purchase locally, and I’ve had to become okay with that.)

             It is THIS DECK.  And it is glorious.  I keep seeing signs and posters and stickers and t-shirts, all of them saying: the future is female.  No offense, obviously, to those of you raising sons, I happen to know, up-close-and-personal, that those boys are included here.  This statement is not just truth, it’s also mythic.  The males who are birthed and instructed by feminists are just as much our future.

             This afternoon, three women in my life came through, in a big and important way.  I have daughters, I have born nieces, I have married-in nieces, I have sisters-in-law.  All of them are strong and bright, loving and kind; I know we can count on them to help, personally and globally.  It gives me hope, merely thinking of them.

             This is our first draw, the first of many more to come.  It is perfect in its validation, its message, and its tone.

miraculous healing

“Catherine LaBoure  ~  

The Patroness of Miraculous Healing

‘I am ready to heal.

I am worthy of the miracles meant for me.’


Catherine LaBoure embodies our capacity to facilitate our own healing.  She was born in Côte d’Or, France in 1806.  When Catherine was nine years old, she picked up a statue of the Virgin Mary after her mother’s funeral and said with a kiss, ‘now you will be my mother.’

As a young woman, she became a member of the nursing order of Saint Vincent de Paul in Paris.  She chose this order after she had a vision of Saint Vincent’s heart in the Church on Rue de Bac.

In 1830, Catherine had another vision, this one of Mary standing in the vesica piscis with rays of light streaming out from the center of her open palms.  She asked Mother Mary why some of the rays don’t reach the earth.  And Mary explained, ‘those are the graces for which people forget to ask.’

Catherine was instructed to create a ‘miraculous medal’ based on this vision of Mary.  All who wear them, it is believed, will receive great graces.

Saint Catherine’s miraculous medal became widely popular among all sects of Christianity.  It is still worn by millions all over the world to this day.


It can feel effortless to ask for what our loved ones need.  We can fall on our knees at times to pray for the health and highest possible outcome for our beloved children and partners or friends.  What’s often far more difficult is asking for all that we need.

For many of us, lack of self-worth can get in the way of realizing that we can ask for so much more.  And that ultimately, there is no difference between praying for our own needs and the needs of our loved ones.

There are so many miracles, graces, and blessings which don’t arrive simply because we don’t ask for them.  The spirit world is ethical and doesn’t interfere with our intrinsic right to choose our own adventure story.  Free will is ours.

So we have to ask for the Universe to intervene in the effort of our own healing.

Ask and you will find.  This is a spiritual truth.

And also, suffering is optional.  Suffering doesn’t glorify us nor make us more holy.  At any point we can ask for the highest possible good to shower down on us.

We can ask to be healed in ways we can’t even imagine by handing the healing over to the divine.

The healing might not arrive in the way we picture being healed.  Our lower back may still throb with pain, but our heart has shifted and there’s a miraculous amount of light within our lives again.

If we can hand over an attachment to what healing is going to look like, we can receive all the blessings waiting for us.


What can I ask for help in healing?


I am ready to heal.

I am worthy of the miracles meant for me.”

             Thank you, to all of my Divine females (and the males in their lives).  Thank you, Meggan Watterson, for channeling this oracle and sharing it with the world.







A Quarter Of A Century

             Culturally, we have a certain amount of constants.  We’ve even made them in to jokes, saying that nothing is certain except birth, death, and taxes.

             Personally, I’ve never made enough money for taxes to be much of an issue.  But the other two items on that list have definitely interrupted/enhanced my journey.

             Specifically birth.  On this day, 25 years ago, I was in a hospital, awaiting the arrival of what would be my last baby.  Empress got here in a healthy, albeit dramatic, fashion.  Low-keyed, but not without some concern.

             Every day since then,  she’s made a difference.  In every single life that she’s touched.  There are people who just matter, quietly and deeply.  My youngest kid is exactly that.

             Because it’s a special day, we have chosen from our Special Occasion stack.  And what our focus turns to now, is perfectly suited.

healing messages, kookaburra, animal oracle cards, australia

“Kookaburra  ~  16  ~  Healing

Taking responsibility for our own healing is probably one of the most confronting things any one can do, especially if the intention is to acknowledge and release pent up pain, confusion, and resentment, which are common by-products of years of postponed healing.

In our times, it is common for people to live their entire lives without ever truly healing many of their past painful experiences and long-held resentments.  Most of the time these individuals do not realise there is an alternative to the internal suffering caused when we ignore the need for healing, or fail to see that there is healing to be done.  It is often ignorance rather than denial that prevents healing from taking place.

The Kookaburra has a distinctive call that strongly resembles human laughter, thus earning it the title of ‘the Laughing Kookaburra.’  Many assume therefore, that the message of Kookaburra is that of lightening up and learning to laugh at yourself.  It may be true that its laughter inspires others to laugh along with it, and this rather obvious assessment of Kookaburra’s Dreaming is sometimes relevant.   But the truth of the matter is that if Kookaburra does appear in your cards today, its true message goes far deeper than its superficial laughter.

Among their regular prey, Kookaburra catch Snakes by plunging down, seizing them behind the head, flying up high into the air, and dropping them to their death.  Snake is the harbinger of healing on all levels.  Kookaburra therefore, as a bird that hunts Snakes, is telling you to take responsibility for your own healing and to stop laughing it off.

Although you may have never spoken of your desire to see your own healing fulfilled, those around  you will have sensed the need.  Verbalising your need for healing to these people will not only be a relief for you, it will result in a collective sigh from those around you.  ‘That explains so much . . . ‘ will be the general consensus.

Kookaburra awakens us to our inner truth and, thus, the dawning of a new day.  So, remember, that to witness a silent Kookaburra is Spirit’s way of restoring faith in our quest for personal healing.”

Today’s Deck:

Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards by Scott Alexander King

Today’s Most Festive Event:

Happiest of Happy Birthdays, Emma !!!

             (Yes, my oldest child turned 30 on the 25th and my youngest turned 25 on the 30th.  Meaningful?  Yeah, I’d say so.)

Path-finding, and taking the unintentional lead.

             Continuing with my travelogue, we were up to “heading home” and the minor adventure we accidentally encountered.  The end result was: nothing.  The goal was: tuna.

            A few days before we left, we’d visited with my parents, and Dad mentioned hearing about how the tuna run had been phenomenal.  Should we, perchance, be driving past any harbors (the article  he’d seen was out of Charleston) we might maybe consider stopping off for some fresh caught fish.  (He was mostly kind of kidding.)

             I thought it would be a cool surprise if we did just that, bringing everyone home a nice port-side treat.  Sadly, it’s us.  And hilarity did not ensue.  Neither did tragedy, but it was a narrow miss.

             Here’s the thing about me and Dan, we don’t travel all that well.  We don’t always get lost, per se, but we don’t always reach our destination entirely unscathed either.  One year, also around the anniversary/birthday season, we took a road* that we now refer to as Dead Pioneer Pass.  Because ya know, we could have FUCKING DIED if we’d been in another era.  (It was that bad and that far from civilization.)  Or, conversely, we may have been considered heroic gawdammed trailblazers.

*Oregon is known for its logging roads which lead to precisely nowhere except death.  There is much documentation of this fact.

             Yesterday, we left the (paved, well-marked, entirely populated) highway, that’s all I’m sayin’.  And we did NOT end up with Tuna.  We found the town, eventually, we just couldn’t locate any fish.  At the Visitor’s Center we met a man who could not have been LESS helpful if HE had been the corpse of Dead Pioneer Pass.

             Then we located (on our own, thankyouverymuch) a close-to-the-dock shop, but they were OUT of everything.  In fact they were OUT on their boats trying to get more.

             I was beginning to give up hope.  So I suggested we just turn around (you can see how bad this situation was getting if I was saying “turn around“).  There had been a more touristy type of store back closer to the main road (which we did FINALLY pop out on to).  But we had to argue about parking.  And that stupid woman driving stupidly in a stupid car the stupid color of freaking putty.

             In the market, on ice, there was salmon, pollock, octopus, scallops, shrimp, mussels, oysters (three types), crab (shelled and not), clams, squid, halibut, and urchins (probably).  No tuna.  None.  Then, right in my way was the stupid putty car lady.  I walked out.

            One of the things we saw on the not-even-close-to-paved byway-of-near-death was a man standing in his yard with “literally” free ranging chickens all around him.  There were cheering little joyful spots like that all day along.  And, Daniel and I are ridiculous.  Plus, no one really did die.  Sadly, no one got tuna either.

             Today, the blight continued.  No weenies.  Where I went last time had nothing.  Except more annoying needy idiots in my way.  Some emergency and urgent googling around is in my Beloved’s future.  (Like yesterday!)  We have class on the 5th, and I NEED my noodle.

park rides
Not crashed,
simply at rest.

             We are fortunate enough to have musically talented friends though. Ally and her Mrs played uplifting and wonderfully fun music tonight in another park (with yet another band).  There were more than 300 people there.  It was fabulously mood raising.

Washbourne Park, One More Time Marching Band
One More Time Marching Band

             The library was on our list of To Do items earlier in the afternoon.  There were hold books on a shelf with my name on them.  While I grabbed those I had my driver grab this shot of the across-the-street project.  Still ugly.

LCC downtown

             Speaking of unappealing.  Our daily draw is one of those with a terrific and welcome message, but a pointlessly bad illustration.  Trust me on this.

oracle cards

God Of Spiritual Healing  ~

An aspect of you or a situation in your life is in need of healing.

The essence of all healing is ultimately love.  A situation in your life or an aspect of you is asking to be healed right now.  Regardless of what method, technique or therapy you choose, true healing which stems from the spiritual heart of creation, only occurs through love.

The God Of Spiritual Healing has appeared in your reading today to send you light and love.  Feel the presence of love all around you.  Close your eyes and feel the love which automatically radiates from your heart like crystal pink light.  Trust in the power of love to heal you and to heal any situation in your life that is in need of healing.

Imagine  yourself filled with and bathed in crystal pink light.  Visualize yourself, your relationships, and all in your life as being healed right now.  Remember, the power that made you, can also heal you.  That power is love.”

LateNight Shameless Plug:

my Hurricane has a new post up over at her personal blog.  Please share it around if you think it might be enjoyed by others.