Impactful, and, well, surprisingly Joyous

             On this day, 7 years ago, my sister went Home.  I’ve been sort of preparing for how I’m going to handle that fact.  But then, I was thrown off course by some personal/physical crap.  So, instead, I am dealing with something unexpected and unplanned for.

             (Nothing major, no one [else] died.  Just annoying.  And in urgent need of being managed.)

             I woke up with a song in my head though, and knew it was our message, and it was from her.  Until I did a wee bit of research, I didn’t know why.  Watch this.  It’ll make you smile.

             She is saying that it’s perfectly fine to be happy.  This is her gift to us.  So, thanks, Gay-Gay!

Today’s Sharing:

is THIS PIECE by Keith.  Read it.  Watch the TED talk he has about halfway down.  You’ll be glad you did.  And you’ll never “surf” the same again.


Blame MLB

             Tonight’s post is nearly an exact hour late.  Due to OPENING DAY OF MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL !!!

             No, none of us were lucky enough to actually attend a game this year.  But all electronic devices were needed to hear the play-by-play.   A sacrifice we were all willing to make.  Being the insane “sports ball” fans that this family is made up of.

             In regards to the spiritual side of things, probably because my own personal theme is about Self-Care right now, we’re getting messages that swing in that direction.  But it could also simply be that it’s what we all need to hear at this time.

             (Apologies for the professional sports puns, all unintentional, I assure you.  I am NOT a pun fan.  They just kept happening.)

 Support is honouring.

             First we acknowledge, seeing honestly what the need (or, as Kookaburra said yesterday, the healing) is.  Then we address it.

             After that comes the Support: reinforcement and foundation building.   How best to create and manifest, for the highest good of all?

             Lastly, we Honour: recognition and tribute.  We are grateful for the lessons brought about and we are blessed in that presence.

             Applying this for others or ourselves is the same process.  And, as today’s messenger reminds us, it’s all in the balance, the yin-yang at our very core.

goddess messages, oracle cards, goddess of the shadows

“Goddess of the Shadows  ~

What you perceive to be your dark side holds a hidden treasure.

Realise that any perception or belief you have about yourself or others is actually a deception more than it is a perception.  What you perceive to be your dark side or shadow self holds a hidden treasure.

As humans, we rarely see the full picture in any situation because we are forever stuck in the illusion of good and bad.  You judge your positive and negative qualities and strive to be more of what you perceive to be positive while attempting to disown or neglect those aspects which you consider to be negative.

By holding this belief, you fail to realise that all serves a purpose and that all benefits you in some way.

Everything in our world is made up of positive and negative charges, which together make a whole.  You have been guided to choose this card by your soul, because you are ready to move to the next level of conscious awareness.  

Over the coming months you will find yourself questioning many of your long-held beliefs and you will realise that many of them are simply illusions that only serve to keep you feeling small, inadequate, or restricted.

This card heralds the start of a wondrous and empowering period of your life which brings to the surface many beautiful experiences and opportunities which, in the past, you never thought possible.”

Today’s Deck:

Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno with illustration cover-up by Jennifer Hewiston

Today’s (Channeled Through Me) Affirmation:

I lovingly support and honour myself and my loved ones.

A Quarter Of A Century

             Culturally, we have a certain amount of constants.  We’ve even made them in to jokes, saying that nothing is certain except birth, death, and taxes.

             Personally, I’ve never made enough money for taxes to be much of an issue.  But the other two items on that list have definitely interrupted/enhanced my journey.

             Specifically birth.  On this day, 25 years ago, I was in a hospital, awaiting the arrival of what would be my last baby.  Empress got here in a healthy, albeit dramatic, fashion.  Low-keyed, but not without some concern.

             Every day since then,  she’s made a difference.  In every single life that she’s touched.  There are people who just matter, quietly and deeply.  My youngest kid is exactly that.

             Because it’s a special day, we have chosen from our Special Occasion stack.  And what our focus turns to now, is perfectly suited.

healing messages, kookaburra, animal oracle cards, australia

“Kookaburra  ~  16  ~  Healing

Taking responsibility for our own healing is probably one of the most confronting things any one can do, especially if the intention is to acknowledge and release pent up pain, confusion, and resentment, which are common by-products of years of postponed healing.

In our times, it is common for people to live their entire lives without ever truly healing many of their past painful experiences and long-held resentments.  Most of the time these individuals do not realise there is an alternative to the internal suffering caused when we ignore the need for healing, or fail to see that there is healing to be done.  It is often ignorance rather than denial that prevents healing from taking place.

The Kookaburra has a distinctive call that strongly resembles human laughter, thus earning it the title of ‘the Laughing Kookaburra.’  Many assume therefore, that the message of Kookaburra is that of lightening up and learning to laugh at yourself.  It may be true that its laughter inspires others to laugh along with it, and this rather obvious assessment of Kookaburra’s Dreaming is sometimes relevant.   But the truth of the matter is that if Kookaburra does appear in your cards today, its true message goes far deeper than its superficial laughter.

Among their regular prey, Kookaburra catch Snakes by plunging down, seizing them behind the head, flying up high into the air, and dropping them to their death.  Snake is the harbinger of healing on all levels.  Kookaburra therefore, as a bird that hunts Snakes, is telling you to take responsibility for your own healing and to stop laughing it off.

Although you may have never spoken of your desire to see your own healing fulfilled, those around  you will have sensed the need.  Verbalising your need for healing to these people will not only be a relief for you, it will result in a collective sigh from those around you.  ‘That explains so much . . . ‘ will be the general consensus.

Kookaburra awakens us to our inner truth and, thus, the dawning of a new day.  So, remember, that to witness a silent Kookaburra is Spirit’s way of restoring faith in our quest for personal healing.”

Today’s Deck:

Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards by Scott Alexander King

Today’s Most Festive Event:

Happiest of Happy Birthdays, Emma !!!

             (Yes, my oldest child turned 30 on the 25th and my youngest turned 25 on the 30th.  Meaningful?  Yeah, I’d say so.)